DEV Community

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Luca Spezzano

Frontend developer focused on CSS architecture of scalable and maintainable large scale projects.


Frontend developer

How to Build a Reusable Tab Component In Vue.js

How to Build a Reusable Tab Component In Vue.js

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1 min read
How To Trigger a Scroll Event in Vue.js

How To Trigger a Scroll Event in Vue.js

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1 min read
The most famous companies that currently use Vue.js

The most famous companies that currently use Vue.js

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1 min read
The Difference Between Props, Slots and Scoped Slots in Vue.js

The Difference Between Props, Slots and Scoped Slots in Vue.js

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1 min read
How to Build a Modal in Vue.Js

How to Build a Modal in Vue.Js

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2 min read
What to Choose Between Gridsome and NUXTJS

What to Choose Between Gridsome and NUXTJS

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1 min read
Connecting Gridsome to NetlifyCMS - Step by step tutorial

Connecting Gridsome to NetlifyCMS - Step by step tutorial

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1 min read
Micro Frontends Architecture - The future of frontend development

Micro Frontends Architecture - The future of frontend development

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1 min read
The Difference between COMPUTED and WATCHERS in Vue.js

The Difference between COMPUTED and WATCHERS in Vue.js

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1 min read
How I Stopped to Write CSS

How I Stopped to Write CSS

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1 min read
Setting up a CSS build process with Gulp

Setting up a CSS build process with Gulp

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2 min read
Why JAMstack is Becoming so Popular

Why JAMstack is Becoming so Popular

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2 min read
A cool JS animation for your websites!

A cool JS animation for your websites!

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1 min read
Google, Apple and Other Users of Vue.js

Google, Apple and Other Users of Vue.js

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1 min read
11 Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks

11 Vue.js Lifecycle Hooks

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1 min read
How to Remove Unused CSS

How to Remove Unused CSS

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2 min read
Turn Your Website into a PWA

Turn Your Website into a PWA

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2 min read