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25 Years of Awesomness

Plasma - 25th Anniversary brings new looks, features and enhancements to the classic free desktop.

empty laptop with an overlay

Aplicaciones de KDE

Poderoses, multiplataforma y pa toos

Usa’l software de KDE pa restolar per internet, falar colos collacios, colegues y la familia, xestionar ficheros y esfrutar de música y videos, amás de ser creativu y productivu nel trabayu. La comunidá de KDE desendolca y caltién más de 200 aplicaciones que s’executen en cualesquier escritoriu pa Linux y, a vegaes, tamién n’otres plataformes.

Mirar toles aplicaciones



Get creative and draw beautiful artwork with Krita. A professional grade painting application.

Captura de Krita


Kdenlive permítete editar vídeos y amestar transiciones y efeutos especiales.

Captura de Kdenlive


Remana tolos correos, calendarios y contautos dientro d'una ventana con Kontact.

Captura de Kontact


KDevelop is a cross-platform IDE for C, C++, Python, QML/JavaScript and PHP

Captura de KDevelop


GCompris is a high quality educational software suite, including a large number of activities for children aged 2 to 10.

Captura de GCompris


Comprar un ordenador con Plasma preinstaláu

Pinebook Pro

Pinebook Pro

The Pinebook Pro is an affordable ARM powered laptop. It is modular and hackable in a way that only an Open Source project can be.

KDE Slimbook

KDE Slimbook

The Slimbook is a shiny, sleek and good looking laptop that can do any task thanks to its powerful AMD Ryzen processor.

Kubuntu Focus


The Kubuntu Focus laptop is a high-powered, workflow-focused laptop which ships with Kubuntu installed.

Other hardware manufacturers are selling devices with Plasma. See all devices


Tuesday, 19 October 2021

KDE Plasma 5.18.8, Bugfix Release for October

KDE Ships Plasma 5.18.8. Read More
Tuesday, 19 October 2021

KDE Plasma 5.23.1, Bugfix Release for October

Today KDE releases a bugfix update to KDE Plasma 5. Read More
Thursday, 14 October 2021

Plasma - 25th Anniversary Edition

Plasma - 25th Anniversary brings new looks, features and enhancements to the classic free desktop. Read More
Saturday, 9 October 2021

KDE Ships Frameworks 5.87.0

KDE today announces the release of KDE Frameworks 5.87.0. Read More
📢 Ver tolos anuncios

La comunidá KDE

Un equipu internacional que desendolca y distribúi software de códigu llibre.

Our community has developed a wide variety of applications for communication, work, education and entertainment. We have a strong focus on finding innovative solutions to old and new problems, creating a vibrant, open atmosphere for experimentation.

Group photo of LaKademy 2018
LaKademy 2018 - Salvador (Brasil)
Plasma Sprint
Plasma Sprint - Berlín (Alemaña)
KDE goals
KDE Goals
KDenlive Sprint group photo
Kdenlive Sprint - París (Francia) group photo - Delhi, India
KDE GSoC students group photo
Google Summer of Code Students
LaKademy 2018 group photo
Lakademy - Florianopolis (Brasil)
KDE Connect Sprint
KDE Connect Sprint - Barcelona