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Akademy Tools

Existing Infrastructure

Akademy Website

The primary website used to promote Akademy and signpost information for Attendees.

  • Built using Drupal, there are a set of re-useable components that we employ year-to-year.

Wiki Pages

Various Wiki pages that we use during an event to pass along information to attendees and volunteers.

An integration of Frab,, lightly modified to support LDAP authentication provided by

  • Call for Papers workflow management
  • Schedule Publishing
  • Exposes a set of API endpoints, listing talks, speaker and schedule information that we can use for planning and video recording.

A custom PHP application for event registrations. Retains profile information between various KDE events and supports custom questions for individual events.

  • Provides statistical information to organising team
  • Allows us to compare year-to-year statistics in an anonymised fashion.
  • Exposes a set of API endpoints that we use for badge scanning and live metrics events.

An integration of the Fosdem Volunteer Management System, Again, we have modified this application to support LDAP authentication provided by

Badge Generation Tooling

A set of scripts that will generate PDFs for each attendee, utilising an API endpoint on

This page was last edited on 28 March 2019, at 16:24. Content is available under Creative Commons License SA 4.0 unless otherwise noted.