Tag archive for "security"


Security is like onions, it has layers. Onions have layers. Security has layers. People sometimes have different opinions on which things are more relevant for security, or less. And hackers always wear hoodies, or was that crackers?

While interacting with gnupg on Debian/Ubuntu it is often necessary to input a passphrase. I found the most reliable way to do this from the command line is to use gpg-agent and configure the pinentry tool to be command line based. This may break GUI apps though that need a … more

VNC Using a VNC client over an SSH tunnel can be useful. I sometimes use that setup when I have a GUI application running remotely that I don't want to restart. Using VNC I can quickly take control of it. more

Tor Tor has many uses, especially for oppressed and persecuted people, people who have to fear for their safety when accessing information on the internet. The more people use Tor, the safer it gets. more

Upset confused bug Thunderbird 78.2.1 was released with PGP support built in, but I could not import my private keys. more

Dinosaur While checking my logs for this site and seeing the usual malicious requests against every spammers favorite software WordPress I decided to make things a little harder for them with a tarpit. more

A while ago I published a snippet to generate an OTP auth token from the command line, but I recently got a new phone and had to re-add all my secret keys to a different authenticator app. As I keep all the secret keys backed up I made another script … more

Faucet requests May 2020 I run a bitcoin testnet faucet. Testnet coins are supposed to be worthless, but there is scarcity and some people try to get as many as they can. I try to prevent this to keep the faucet running and useful for as many people as possible, for as long as possible. more

My i3 desktop Inspired by a comment on reddit I am sharing my screen locking configuration in this post, I use i3, xautolock and a custom lock script. more

I use a custom screen locking script together with xautolock for automatic locking and manual locking when needed. To prevent multiple i3lock instances from starting I use an atomically created mutex. The script has somewhat excessive logging that still remains from the time it was buggy. more

I run multiple desktop environments, and they all come with their own screen locking tool. Sometimes I want to unlock a system remotely, that means from the command line. The script below can unlock mate, gnome and i3lock. more

DjangoPythonBitcoinTuxDebianHTML5 badgeSaltStackUpset confused bugMoneyHackerUpset confused bugX.OrggitFirefoxWindowMakerBashIs it worth the time?i3 window managerWagtailContainerIrssiNginxSilenceUse a maskWorldInternet securityFontGnuPGThunderbirdJenkins