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Habr — best articles, authors and statistics 2019

Programming *Data visualization Web analytics *Statistics in IT Social networks and communities
2019 is coming to an end, and it's Christmas soon. It is also the time to grab all data and collect statistics and a rating of the most interesting Habr's articles for this period.

In this post the best articles and best Habr authors 2019 will be presented, I also will show some statistical graphs that I find interesting or unusual.

Let's get started.

First, let me remind you of the idea — with the help of a Python application, articles of this site were downloaded and analyzed. More detailed description and some source codes can be found here and here. The rating is not official, so if I missed somebody — please send me a message, I will fix it.

Statistically, of course, it would be more correct to publish this article on January 1, but my inner voice suggests that everyone at this time will not be busy reading Habr… So the publication comes out a little earlier, but in the beginning of 2020 I will update the data.

Russian version is also available in 2 parts: Articles rating and Authors rating. In this rating only English articles were processed, so the results are different.

General Information

During this year 811 articles were published on the website, it's about 2 per day an average. As we can see, about half of them are from company blogs (which is quite a lot, I thought that this value was less), others were made by individuals.

The weekly period is clearly visible on the chart — most articles are published on weekdays.

It is interesting to see the words cloud — it shows, which terms are most often found in the article titles. The similar picture was already in the header, here is the larger version:

For Habr readers and writers, it is generally known that each article can belong to several hubs (for example, “Programming” and “Python”), and the more popular hubs are selected, the more people will be able to read the article. It’s easy to sort the hubs by the total number of views for this year:

It's obvious why the «Career» hub is on the first place. But for me, it’s still a mystery why the «Information Security» hub has so many views — it is a rather complicated topic. Apparently, the main number of views is gained by popular articles about bank or phone scammers, and not about something specialized such as certificates generation or public and private keys testing. For the rest of the hubs, all of the names are pretty obvious.

We can also collect a lot of different interesting stats with the hubs, for example, we can compare the popularity of programming languages described in Habr articles during this year:


Since we are talking about estimates, a few more interesting patterns. All articles published over the year can be grouped by day of the week:

It is easy to see that on weekdays 2-3 times more materials are published. This is not surprising if you look at the first graph of the article — the weekly pattern is clearly visible there. But more interesting is the fact that articles published on the weekend can gain on average more views:

By the way, what reader votes did Habr’s articles get this year? The answer is in the histogram (a horizontal line is the rating, vertical — number of articles):

The main peak of the rating graph is around +7, but there are some articles that got 50, 75 or even 175 readers votes.

Well, now let's finally move on to the promised ratings. I congratulate everyone who got into this rating, and once again, I recall that the rating is unofficial. If I missed someone, please write me, I will add the data manually.

Best Articles 2019

Top articles by views

I ruin developers' lives with my code reviews and I'm sorry 191000 views, 21 comments, votes +37.0/-3.0
A small notebook for a system administrator 133000 views, 57 comments, votes +88.0/-3.0
Flightradar24 — how does it work? 109000 views, 13 comments, votes +79.0/-1.0
Python consumes a lot of memory or how to reduce the size of objects? 42500 views, 3 comments, votes +13.0/-2.0
Audio over Bluetooth: most detailed information about profiles, codecs, and devices 40900 views, 7 comments, votes +23.0/-1.0
Counting Bugs in Windows Calculator 40300 views, 2 comments, votes +41.0/-3.0
Technical analysis of the checkm8 exploit 37400 views, 4 comments, votes +22.0/-0.0
I lost faith in the industry, burned out, but the cult of the tool saved me 33600 views, 2 comments, votes +26.0/-2.0
Best web development frameworks in 2019 32000 views, 5 comments, votes +8.0/-10.0
Making a DIY text laser projector 28600 views, 5 comments, votes +25.0/-1.0

Top articles by the number of bookmarks added

Flightradar24 — how does it work? 109000 views, 32 bookmarks
How to learn English 6400 views, 31 bookmarks
A small notebook for a system administrator 133000 views, 25 bookmarks
Vue, Storybook, TypeScript-starting a new project with the best practices in mind 11800 views, 23 bookmarks
Understandable RayTracing in 256 lines of bare C++ 2600 views, 22 bookmarks
Vim for beginners 9800 views, 20 bookmarks
Hello world! Or Habr in English, v1.0 23000 views, 17 bookmarks
A bot for Starcraft in Rust, C or any other language 23800 views, 16 bookmarks
Really typing Vue 3700 views, 16 bookmarks
Low-budget stereo rendering in few lines of code (stereogram, anaglyph, stereoscope) 2000 views, 15 bookmarks

Top most commented articles

Hello world! Or Habr in English, v1.0 249 comments, 23000 views
A small notebook for a system administrator 57 comments, 133000 views
I ruin developers' lives with my code reviews and I'm sorry 21 comments, 191000 views
How to learn English 17 comments, 6400 views
Programmable TOTP tokens in a key fob form-factor 16 comments, 1800 views
TOP-23 Language Learning Apps 13 comments, 2400 views
Flightradar24 — how does it work? 13 comments, 109000 views
How to land a job in Germany for IT professionals 12 comments, 2800 views
Levelord, an Ordinary Moscow Resident: Interview with the Creator of Duke Nukem 11 comments, 3600 views
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Use WhatsApp for Business Communication 10 comments, 3400 views

Top articles by the ratio of the bookmarks/views

Hello world! Or Habr in English, v1.0 17 bookmarks, 23000 views
A bot for Starcraft in Rust, C or any other language 16 bookmarks, 23800 views
Nginx's office is being searched due to Rambler Group's lawsuit. The complaintant press service confirmed the suit 6 bookmarks, 12200 views
Free Wireguard VPN service on AWS 5 bookmarks, 11000 views
Making a DIY thermal camera based on a Raspberry Pi 7 bookmarks, 18100 views
Bluetooth stack modifications to improve audio quality on headphones without AAC, aptX, or LDAC codecs 4 bookmarks, 12500 views
Flightradar24 — how does it work? 32 bookmarks, 109000 views
Making a DIY text laser projector 7 bookmarks, 28600 views
A small notebook for a system administrator 25 bookmarks, 133000 views
Exploiting signed bootloaders to circumvent UEFI Secure Boot 2 bookmarks, 11800 views.

I hope, this articles are good enough, and definitely worthy to read, if somebody missed them earlier. And now let's move to the next rating.

Best Authors 2019

Top authors by the number of articles

msgeek — 79 articles, 65786 views, 76 adding to bookmarks
sahsAGU — 27 articles, 32787 views, 58 adding to bookmarks
Pavel_Ku — 23 articles, 28572 views, 43 adding to bookmarks
derSmoll — 20 articles, 30600 views, 71 adding to bookmarks
markbenson123 — 19 articles, 12345 views, 17 adding to bookmarks
Andrey2008 — 13 articles, 18931 views, 23 adding to bookmarks

Top authors by average number of comments per article

arielf — 2 articles, 5000 views, 7 avg. comments per article
fillpackart — 5 articles, 49860 views, 7 avg. comments per article
Yelin — 2 articles, 672 views, 6 avg. comments per article
Token2 — 5 articles, 896 views, 5 avg. comments per article
DmitrySpb79 — 3 articles, 40400 views, 4 avg. comments per article
ValdikSS — 3 articles, 21733 views, 3 avg. comments per article
ru_vds — 3 articles, 3100 views, 3 avg. comments per article
ultral — 10 articles, 2360 views, 3 avg. comments per article

Top authors by average number of views per article

fillpackart — 5 articles, 49860 views per article
DmitrySpb79 — 3 articles, 40400 views per article
ValdikSS — 3 articles, 21733 views per article
jemmybutton — 2 articles, 14550 views per article
humbug — 2 articles, 13100 views per article
T-D-K — 2 articles, 10000 views per article

Top authors by average number of adding to bookmarks per article

haqreu — 4 articles, 3375 views, 12 adds to bookmarks per article
DmitrySpb79 — 3 articles, 40400 views, 12 adds to bookmarks per article
zhikin2207 — 3 articles, 4466 views, 11 adds to bookmarks per article
humbug — 2 articles, 13100 views, 10 adds to bookmarks per article
Okhomiak — 4 articles, 9050 views, 7 adds to bookmarks per article
0x1000000 — 2 articles, 8300 views, 7 adds to bookmarks per article

That's all, I congratulate everyone who got into the rating.


There will be no conclusion.

I wish all Habr readers a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I hope, there are enough links here to read something interesting during the Christmas holidays. For all the authors I also wish new creative ideas next year.
Total votes 23: ↑22 and ↓1 +21
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