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Bring Back Lost Visitors at 4x the Conversion Rate of Email

Think beyond emails and leverage new-age channels. Keep your visitors engaged with automated marketing campaigns through web push notifications & Facebook Messenger.

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Don’t get lost in the promotions tab or worse, get caught in spam

Do you depend on email to promote your sales, new arrivals, or other offers? Even good emails get stuck in spam filters or filed away in the Promotions tab. VWO Engage helps you reach your audience beyond their email inbox.

web push icon

Web Push Notifications

  • Get 4x the CTRs of email
  • Send mobile notifications without building a mobile app
  • One-click subscription, no need to type an email
Facebook Messenger Icon

Facebook Messenger

  • Get 8-10x the CTRs of email
  • Reach out to 1B+ active users on Messenger
  • Reduce your Facebook Ad spend by running organic campaigns on Messenger
web push icon

Web Push Notifications

illustration to show how web push notifications work in vwo engage on mobile and desktop

Nudge customers instantly

  • Reach your customers instantly even when they’re not on your website, by sending messages directly to their browser
  • Unlike emails, you won’t have to worry that your messages may get lost in their inbox or go to spam

Get 4x the CTRs of email

  • The average click-through rate for emails has dropped to 2-4% across industries
  • With web push notifications, click-through rates average 8-10% across industries

One click to subscribe

  • It’s much easier to subscribe to notifications than email. All it takes for users is one click
  • With email, users have to enter their email address, correct typos, click Submit, and then go to their inbox and confirm subscription
  • Web push notifications require just a single click. Your visitors can say yes to your notifications without sharing their email address

Get real people to subscribe to your brand. No bots!

  • Is your email list filled with junk email addresses and fake contact details? It’s easy for a visitor to enter a throwaway email address just to get a piece of content or coupon you’re offering
  • Web push notifications are sent right to your visitor’s browser. So whenever you send a message by using VWO Engage, it will reach your real subscriber’s active browser

Much easier to send than emails

  • Unlike with email, you won’t need to spend days designing, coding, and testing your message across browsers and devices
  • You don’t even need to create lead capture forms to build a subscriber base

Reach mobile-first customers without building a mobile app

  • Send web push notifications to promote offers, sales, new arrivals and exciting updates without building a mobile app
Facebook Messenger Icon

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger Notification Engagement

Talk to your customers on a platform they’re already using

  • 1.3 billion users use Facebook Messenger.
  • 8 billion messages are sent on Messenger each month, representing 4X growth.
  • People check Facebook Messenger multiple times a day.
users connected to the online business through facebook messenger

Get 15x the CTRs of email

  • Achieve click-through rates as high as
    15-60% compared to the 2-4% click-through rates standard with email
illustration on Facebook Messenger messages getting 15X CTR than email

Casual and conversational medium helps you build closer relationships with customers

  • Your messages sit right next to messages from friends and family, aligning you with their most trusted network and keeping you top of mind
  • When you send out offers and announcements, customers feel comfortable asking follow up questions owing to the nature of the medium
casual conversations on Facebook Messenger
shopping cart icon

Bring back lost customers through personalized Cart Abandonment Campaign

Reach out to users that leave products in their cart or search for items but exit without purchasing. Send them instantly clickable web notifications and Facebook Messenger messages.

Re-engage lost customers

Customers come to an online store, add products to their cart, get distracted and leave without completing the purchase. All the time. Bring them back and remind them to complete their purchase.

an example of re-engaging lost customers through push notifications

Browse abandonment campaign

43.8% of website visitors browse product pages on a website but don’t add products to their shopping carts or make a purchase on that visit. Create browser abandonment campaigns to nudge these visitors to make a purchase.

example of push notification to help reduce cart abandonment on ecommerce websites

Entice your customers with promotions & offers

Show off your new arrivals

Tell customers about your fresh stock and new arrivals in real-time.


Promote time-sensitive deals

If you have a time-bound offer, email is not the best medium since customers check it at their own convenience. Use web push notifications to deliver time-sensitive offers to your customers instantaneously.


Build excitement around upcoming products

Launching a new product? Get your customers excited by sharing interesting updates about the launch.


Increase the ROI of your ad spends

Beat rising paid acquisition costs by converting more visitors into loyal customers.

graph showing the increasing CPC spend through ads

The cost-per-click for search ads is increasing by 14%. At the same time, click volume growth is slowing. You cannot grow by increasing your advertising budget. The question becomes: how do you convert more visitors into paying, loyal customers?

Retarget visitors without spending on paid ads

  • Retarget visitors who looked at products on your store but didn’t purchase with web push notifications and Facebook Messenger messages instead of retargeting ads
  • Save big on remarketing campaigns by bringing back lost visitors without investing in paid ads

Make your ad investment worthwhile

  • Decrease customer acquisition costs by converting more visitors into customers
  • Increase customer lifetime value by nudging your customers to make repeat purchases
  • Build higher brand recall by staying on top of your customer’s mind

Success Story

Buy Whole Foods Online Logo

UK based whole foods website saw 73% conversion rates using VWO Engage

Read Success Story

Our best push notification so far has achieved a whopping 73% conversion rate! Web Push Notification is a different medium, and it appeals to our customers who tend to buy spontaneously.

Becky Cooper VWO Customer
Becky Cooper

Marketing Director at Buy Whole Foods Online

See More Success Stories

The complete guide to website push notifications

Answers to everything you’ve wondered about web push notifications.

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Reduce Cart Abandonment: Lessons from conversion experiments on 300M+ shoppers

This guide aims to provide resources and tools for B2C e-commerce to prevent cart abandonment along with an understanding of why consumers abandon carts.

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