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What's new in 7.15
What's new in PVS-Studio 7.15

This release introduces, for the users of PVS-Studio plug-in for Visual Studio, a new way of checking analysis log for the most interesting warnings among all others found in an analyzed project.

The name of this new mode is Analyzer Best Warnings. PVS-Studio have always grouped its warnings into 3 certainty levels, and these levels were usually used for prioritizing the most interesting ones when reviewing the analysis results - the best ones were expected to be on the 1st level. In this new version of the analyzer, we developed a more sophisticated and precise algorithm of evaluating the reliability of warning messages. Besides warning message levels, it takes into account a number of other criteria, which can be subdivided into the static (an average 'value' of an analyzer rule) and dynamic ones, based on the warnings generated on a particular source code base (such as, for example, the total number of warnings for a particular rule). 

The coverage for the list of the most common and dangerous threats to application security, OWASP Top 10 2017, was increased up to 9 categories our of 10.

This makes only a single category remaining that is not covered by PVS-Studio - using components with known vulnerabilities. This category is usually covered by a distinct class of specialized tools - SCA (Software Composition Analysis). In future releases of PVS-Studio, to cover the last remaining OWASP Top 10 category, we plan on implementing SCA for PVS-Studio C# analyzer.

We now provide a mapping for PVS-Studio rules with CWE Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses list.

PVS-Studio analyzers for C, C++, C# and Java already provide coverage for more than a half of CWE Top 25 categories, and we plan on expanding this coverage in future releases.

Support for MISRA C safety and reliability coding standard is increased up to 70% in this release.

We plan on further increasing the coverage for this standard up to 80% percent or more until the end of this year.

Learn more about updates in the release history
Looking for earlier updates? Watch this video
This video presents new features we added to PVS-Studio in the first half of 2021. If you've just joined us or missed our new feature announcements - this video will help you stay up to date. It's only five minutes of your time!
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