

Drejtori Shtojcash

List Last Changes

Shows a list of the last changes in the widget area.

Shows a list of the last changes in the widget area.

Additional features include:

  • Select the number of entries in the list
  • Define pages to be exluded

Exclude Page

To exclude a page from being listed in the widget do the following steps:

  1. Open the page you want to exclude for editing.
  2. Open the "Screen Options" (on the top right of the page)
  3. Ensure that "Custom Fields" is checked (see Screenshot #3)
  4. In the "Custom Fields" further down the screen add the following custom field (see Screenshot #4):
    • name: list_last_changes_ignore
    • value: true

To include it again set the value to false or remove the custom field completely.

Etiketa: ,

Lyp: 3.0.0 ose më lart
E përputhshme me deri te: 4.2.0
Përditësuar së Fundmi: 2 vjet më parë
Instalime Aktive: 60+


0 nga 5 yje të mundshëm


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0 vetë thonë se funksionon.
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100,1,1 100,1,1