@wordpress/edit-navigation Edit

Edit Navigation page module for WordPress – a Gutenberg-based UI for editing navigation menus.

This package is meant to be used only with WordPress core. Feel free to use it in your own project but please keep in mind that it might never get fully documented.

Usage Usage

 * WordPress dependencies
import { initialize } from '@wordpress/edit-navigation';

 * Internal dependencies
import blockEditorSettings from './block-editor-settings';

initialize( '#navigation-editor-root', blockEditorSettings );

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Purpose Purpose

By default, the Navigation Editor screen allows users to create and edit complex navigations using a block-based UI. The aim is to supercede the current Menus screen by providing a superior experience whilst retaining backwards compatibility.

The editing experience is provided as a block editor wrapper around the core functionality of the Navigation block. Features of the block are disabled/enhanced as necessary to provide an experience appropriate to editing a navigation outside of a Full Site Editing context.

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Modes Modes

The Navigation Editor has two “modes” for persistence (“saving” navigations) and rendering:

  1. Classic (default) – navigations are saved to the existing (post type powered) Menus system and rendered using standard Walker classes.
  2. Block-based (opt in) – navigations continue to be saved using the existing post type system, but:

Classic Mode Classic Mode

In this mode, navigations created in the Navigation Editor are stored using the existing Menu post type (nav_menu_item) system. As this method matches that used in the existing Menus screen, there is a smooth upgrade path to using new Navigation Editor screen to edit navigations.

Moreover, when the navigation is rendered on the front of the site the system continues to use the classic Navigation “Walker” class, thereby ensuring the HTML markup remains the same when using a classic Theme.

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Block-based Mode Block-based Mode

Important: block-based mode has been temporarily disabled until it becomes stable. So, if a theme declares support for the block-nav-menus feature it will not affect the frontend.

If desired, themes are able to opt into rendering complete block-based menus using the Navigation Editor. This allows for arbitrarily complex navigation block structures to be used in an existing theme whilst still ensuring the navigation data is still saved to the existing (post type powered) Menus system.

Themes can opt into this behaviour by declaring:

add_theme_support( 'block-nav-menus' );

This unlocks significant additional capabilities in the Navigation Editor. For example, by default, the Navigation Editor screen only allows link (core/navigation-link) blocks to be inserted into a navigation. When a theme opts into block-nav-menus however, users are able to add non-link blocks to a navigation using the Navigation Editor screen, including:

  • core/navigation-link.
  • core/social.
  • core/search.

As these items are still saved to nav_menu_items this ensures if we ever revert to classic (Walker-based) rendering, these items will still be rendered (as blocks).

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Backwards compatibility Backwards compatibility

By design the underlying systems of the Nav Editor screen should be largely backwards compatible with the existing Menus screen. Therefore any navigations created or edited using the new Navigation Editor screen should continue to work in the existing classic Menus screen.

Currently, the only exception to this would be any custom functionality added (by Plugins or otherwise) to the existing Menus screen would not be replicated in the new Navigation Editor screen. In this scenario there might be danger of some data loss.

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Downgrading from block-based to classic Themes Downgrading from block-based to classic Themes

If the user switches to a theme that does not support block menus, or disables this functionality, ~non-link blocks are no longer rendered on the frontend~ block-based links will still be rendered on the front end. Care is also taken to ensure that users can still see their data on the existing Menus screen.

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Block to Menu Item mapping Block to Menu Item mapping

The Navigation Editor needs to be able to map navigation items in two directions:

  1. nav_menu_items to Blocks – when displaying an existing navigation.
  2. Blocks to nav_menu_items – when saving an navigation being editing in the Navigation screen.

The Navigation Editor has two dedicated methods for handling mapping between these two expressions of the data:

To understand these fully, one must appreciate that WordPress maps raw nav_menu_item posts to Menu item objects. These have various properties which map as follows:

Menu Item object property Equivalent Block Attribute Description
ID Not mapped. The term_id if the menu item represents a taxonomy term.
attr_title title The title attribute of the link element for this menu item.
classes classNames The array of class attribute values for the link element of this menu item.
db_id Not mapped. The DB ID of this item as a nav_menu_item object, if it exists (0 if it doesn’t exist).
description description The description of this menu item.
menu_item_parent Not mapped.1 The DB ID of the nav_menu_item that is this item’s menu parent, if any. 0 otherwise.
object type The type of object originally represented, such as ‘category’, ‘post’, or ‘attachment’.
object_id id The DB ID of the original object this menu item represents, e.g. ID for posts and term_id for categories.
post_parent Not mapped. The DB ID of the original object’s parent object, if any (0 otherwise).
post_title Not mapped. A “no title” label if menu item represents a post that lacks a title.
target opensInNewTab2 The target attribute of the link element for this menu item.
title label The title of this menu item.
type kind The family of objects originally represented, such as ‘post_type’ or ‘taxonomy’.
type_label Not mapped. The singular label used to describe this type of menu item.
url url The URL to which this menu item points.
xfn rel The XFN relationship expressed in the link of this menu item.
\_invalid Not mapped. Whether the menu item represents an object that no longer exists.
  • [1] – the parent -> child relationship is expressed in block via the innerBlocks attribute and is therefore not required as a explicit block attribute.
  • [2] – applies only if the value of the target field is _blank.

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Inconsistencies Inconsistencies

Mapping Mapping

For historical reasons, the following properties display some inconsistency in their mapping from Menu Item Object to Block attribute:

  • type -> kind – the family of objects is stored as kind on the block and so must be mapped accordingly.
  • object -> type – the type of object is stored as type on the block and so must be mapped accordingly.
  • object_id -> id – the block stores a reference to the original object’s ID as the id attribute. This should not be confused with the block’s clientId which is unrelated.
  • attr_title -> title – the HTML title attribute is stored as title on the block and so must be mapped accordingly.

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Object Types Object Types

  • Menu Item objects which represent “Tags” are stored in WordPress as post_tag but the block expects their type attribute to be tag (omiting the post_ suffix). This inconsistency is accounted for in the mapping utilities methods.

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Hooks Hooks

The useNavigationEditor and useEntityBlockEditor hooks are the central part of this package. They bridge the gap between the API and the block editor interface:

// Data from API:
const {
} = useNavigationEditor();

// Working state:
const [ blocks, onInput, onChange ] = useEntityBlockEditor(
        id: navigationPost?.id,

const isBlockEditorReady = !! (
    menus?.length &&
    navigationPost &&

return (
        value={ blocks }
        onInput={ onInput }
        onChange={ onChange }
        settings={ blockEditorSettings }
        { isBlockEditorReady && (
            <div className="edit-navigation-layout__content-area">
                    <Editor isPending={ ! hasLoadedMenus } />
        ) }

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Glossary Glossary

  • (Navigation) link – the basic core/navigation-link block which is the standard block used to add links within navigations.
  • Block-based link – any navigation item that is not a core/navigation-link block. These are persisted as blocks but still utilise the existing Menus post type system.
  • Navigation block – the root core/navigation block which can be used both with the Navigation Editor and outside (eg: Post / Site Editor).
  • Navigation editor / screen – the new screen provided by Gutenberg to allow the user to edit navigations using a block-based UI.
  • Menus screen – the current/existing interface/screen for managing Menus in WordPress WPAdmin.

This package assumes that your code will run in an ES2015+ environment. If you’re using an environment that has limited or no support for such language features and APIs, you should include the polyfill shipped in @wordpress/babel-preset-default in your code.

Code is Poetry.