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VIP Code Analysis Bot /

Auto approvals

Several determinants are used by the VIP Code Analysis Bot to calculate whether a pull request can be automatically approved or not. Automatic approvals are executed without the use of any utilities, with the exception of the SVG analysis and one internal VIP API.

Any combination of the following determinants that covers all of the changes in a submitted pull request will result in automatic approval:

  • Only non-functional changes are made to PHP code (e.g., white-space changes only, comments added, etc)
  • The altered files submitted are CSS, images and other objects that contain no PHP or JavaScript code. This determinant is based on the file extensions of the files submitted. Automatically approved file-types are: 
    .css, .csv, .eot, .gif, .gz, .ico, .Ini, .jpg, .jpeg, .json, .less, .map, .md, .mdown, .mo, .mp4, .otf, .pdf, .po, .pot, .png, .sass, .scss, .styl, .ttf, .txt, .woff, .woff2, .yml
  • The submitted PHP or JavaScript code is registered in VIP’s database of previously reviewed, safe code. All new or altered PHP and JavaScript files submitted in pull requests are checked against this database to determine if they are approved. Explicit code is not saved in this database, only hashes of files.

The determinants for automatic approvals also apply to pull requests labeled [VIP] Review Request, making it possible for pull requests labeled [VIP] Review Request to be automatically approved.

[Status] VIP Auto Approved label

Automatic approval by the Bot will be indicated by a [Status] VIP Auto Approved label added to a reviewed pull request:

Example of a pull request with the [Status] VIP Auto Approved label

If a pull request was previously automatically approved, but a later commit causes the pull request to no longer qualify for automatic approval, the Bot will automatically revoke the state of automatic approval and remove the [Status] VIP Auto Approved label.

Example of a pull request with the [Status] VIP Auto Approved label removed

Last updated: October 08, 2021