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Code Review /

Scheduled reviews and large changesets

Large changesets and pull requests can be more complex than smaller pull requests and require longer review times. If a changeset is larger than about 1,000 lines of code (PHP and Javascript combined), giving it the proper attention it deserves may require more time than our traditional review/deploy workflow facilitates. In these cases, we may mark your pull request as [Status] VIP Scheduled Review, and set a date when we can assign an engineer to spend the required time to review your changes.

As an alternative to having a large changeset undergo a scheduled review, the pull request could be broken up into smaller, more atomic pull requests. Then, a number of smaller pull requests could be created, reducing the review time. One workflow for achieving this is:

  1. Create a fresh branch off master.
  2. Check out one of the changes from the branch used in the large pull request.
  3. Push this change to the new branch.
  4. Commit and push up the new branch.
  5. Create a new pull request.

A more detailed explanation of breaking apart a large pull request into more manageable chunks is available for reference.

Last updated: September 27, 2021