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VIP Platform environments

A VIP Platform environment refers to a server environment running an instance of a WordPress application, which includes web, database, cache, and WP-CLI containers, all connected to VIP services and tooling. At a minimum, VIP customers have a production environment but additional environments such as preprod and develop can be added for testing and development purposes.

To ensure that a site’s application code will run uniformly across each environment, server software versions and configurations are kept consistent across all environments in a group.

Database for each environment

To allow testing to be performed on non-production environments without impacting the production site, each environment is supported by a unique database. A data sync can be run from the production database to a non-production database through the VIP Dashboard.

Media files on VIP Platform environments

Media files uploaded to a WordPress production environment will load with the expected file path /wp-content/uploads/, but are stored, managed, and distributed by the VIP File System. The VIP File System enables media files from production to be made available to non-production environments, eliminating the need to copy media between environments after a data sync. Media files are in read-only mode when accessed from non-production environments, protecting them from being altered unintentionally.


A production environment is provided by default for all customers. This environment is intended for receiving public traffic and only thoroughly tested code that is ready to go live should be deployed to it.


It is recommended to configure the database, codebase, and third-party integrations for this non-production environment as consistently as possible to the production environment. The more closely the preprod environment mirrors that of production, the more accurate results will be when testing code and updates that have already passed testing on the develop environment.


A non-production environment recommended for testing theme updates, feature updates, and new plugins after they have been tested on a local development environment.


In addition to the available VIP platform environments, it is recommended to create a local VIP development environment for flexibility in developing, testing bug fixes, and adding new features

Last updated: October 13, 2021