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Install VIP-CLI locally

VIP-CLI is a Node.js Package and can be installed through a package manager like npm.


Installation of VIP-CLI requires access to the VIP Dashboard. Access to the VIP Dashboard is authenticated by a user’s access to the GitHub repository for an application.

To begin installation, follow the VIP-CLI installation instructions on the VIP Dashboard.

VIP-CLI requires Node.js v10+ and npm v6+. If either or both are below the required versions, follow the upgrade steps in the troubleshooting section below. VIP recommends using the latest active long-term support release of Node which is currently Node v14.


It is extremely important not to install VIP-CLI using the sudo command. If this has been done, follow the directions below in “Fixing npm/Node permissions“.

Install Node

Follow the Node.js project’s installation instructions. Using a package manager like Homebrew or a Node.js version manager like nvm is recommended. If the official installer is used, it is possible to experience permission issues when installing packages globally. If so, follow this guide to change npm’s default directory.

Install npm

Installing Node.js (instructions above) will include npm in the installation.

Upgrading Node.js

Follow the Node.js installation instructions to acquire and install the latest version of Node.js, or use the upgrade command if you installed via a package manager like Homebrew for macOS. Upgrading Node.js will also upgrade npm.

Fixing npm/Node permissions

Read this npm guide: How to Prevent Permissions Errors.

Example of an error indicating the need to fix permissions:

WARN install EACCES: permission denied

If you have installed various commands with sudo you will need to reverse the process, fix the permissions errors, then install the command without the use of sudo. You should not use sudo to fix access permissions.

Last updated: October 12, 2021