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Disallowed WP-CLI commands on VIP

There are a selection of built-in and VIP mu-plugin WP-CLI commands (and/or subcommands) that are blocked for VIP clients to ensure the safety of the site:

  • admin: *
  • cli: alias, cache, check-update, cmd-dump, completions, has-command, info, param-dump, update
  • comment: generate
  • config: *
  • core: check-update, download, install, is-installed, multisite-convert, multisite-install, update, update-db, verify-checksums
  • cron-control: *
  • cron-control-fixer: *
  • db: *
  • dist-archive: *
  • eval: *
  • eval-file: *
  • find: *
  • i18n: *
  • import: *
  • jetpack: *
  • jetpack-start: *
  • jetpack-start-provision: *
  • language:
    • core: install, uninstall, update
    • plugin: install, uninstall, update
    • theme: install, uninstall, update
  • media: import, regenerate
  • package: *
  • plugin: delete, install, update
  • post: edit, generate
  • profile: *
  • scaffold: *
  • server: *
  • shell: *
  • site: empty
  • term: generate
  • theme: delete, install, update
  • user: generate, import-csv
  • vaultpress: *
  • vipsupport: *
  • vip:
    • cache: purge
    • cmd-scheduler: *
    • files: *
    • fixers: *
    • migration: *
    • plugin: *
    • two-factor: *
    • utf8mb4: *

The following global parameters are also blocked

  • --debug
  • --exec
  • --http
  • --path
  • --require
  • --ssh

Last updated: July 23, 2021