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Usage metrics

The Usage metrics panel displays HTTP requests tracked by VIP to measure a customer’s usage of the platform. An HTTP Request, also known as a web request, can be for HTML web pages, static resources such as images, JSON data sent by APIs, and much more.

The Usage metrics panel is located in the Organization view of the VIP Dashboard.


Access to the Usage metrics panel requires a user to have an Org Member role at minimum.

Request categories 

Application Requests

  • Count towards platform usage.
  • Definition: Requests where the response has a content type of HTML or XHTML
  • Examples: web page views, redirects, 404 Not Found, editorial activity

API Requests

  • Count towards platform usage.
  • Definition: Requests where the response has a content type of JSON
  • Examples: REST API, GraphQL API

Static Requests

  • Do not count towards platform usage.
  • Definition: Requests that don’t fall into the above definitions
  • Examples: CSS, images or JavaScript

Requests from within Automattic and VIP infrastructure do not count towards platform usage.

Refer to WordPress VIP’s Unit for Traffic and Platform Utilization Measurement for a more detailed analysis of how VIP calculates requests.

Chargeable requests

The data displayed in the upper “Chargeable requests” chart includes a sum total of all chargeable requests made over the last 30 days to all applications within an Organization.

Chargeable requests (Application Requests and API Requests) are displayed at the top left by request category (“APP” and “API”) as well as a summary of both (“TOTAL”).

By day

Chargeable requests per day can be viewed by hovering over the displayed timeline graph.

By application

A breakdown of chargeable requests made over the last 30 days to individual applications belonging to the organization can be viewed below the displayed timeline graph.

Plan Details

Plan details are a summary of a customer’s contract with VIP, including “Uptime SLA”, “Code Review”, “Ticket SLA” and any “Add-Ons”. These are displayed in the upper right of the Usage metrics panel.

Last updated: September 20, 2021