Support » Plugin: Members - Membership & User Role Editor Plugin » Changed contributor to supercleanse

  • Resolved chzumbrunnen


    Hello there
    I’m a bit confused.

    There was a contributor change to supercleanse (Blair Williams) about 3 months ago (Nov 2019) but there s no hint on the plugin page now, that this is/was Justin Tadlock’s (greenshady) plugin and there is still a 3.0.0 plan of action on GitHub (

    Is this an unfriendly takeover?

    It seems unfriendly to me as there is no credit at all too the original author of the plugin.

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  • Thread Starter chzumbrunnen


    ok, I found an answer here: and here

    Nevertheless I’d find it fair to keep the information to the original author in the description ar faq.

    Nothing weird going on. I sold the plugin to Blair and his team. They own the copyright now and are not required to mention me.

    I still have some things like the GitHub issues open so they can reference them for future versions of the plugin if they want. I’m going to update some of that stuff on my end soon so that it’s clearer too. I’ve just had a busy last couple of months. 🙂

    John Blackbourn


    WordPress Core Developer

    I honestly thought that this plugin had been taken over by a spammer now that the plugin’s title is now User Role Editor by Members – Best User, Role and Capability Management Plugin for WordPress instead of Members.

    I’m glad everything is okay, but man that new name is horrendous.

    Thread Starter chzumbrunnen


    @johnbillion I’m glad I’m not the only one that was surprised by this “user switching” (pun intended);-)
    @greenshady I don’t think it’s your job to make things clearer but rather this should be done by the new owners. You surely have a reputation of high quality work and clear and open communication. An FAQ with an answer to the question why this plugin was built in the first place ( where “I” isn’t the actual owner doesn’t help to keep the reputation and high expectation to this marvellous plugin intact.

    I kind of understand the “SEO-title” but agree it sounds spammy and is part of why I was unsettled.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by chzumbrunnen.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by chzumbrunnen.
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