I turn data into dollars.

I have 10 years of experience developing software for the digital marketing and web publishing industries.

I have helped organisations both large and small to acquire, process and extract business value out of all manner of unstructured data.

Whether it's unlocking new capabilities for your customers or getting better insight into your company's operations, there's probably more you could be doing with your data.

And with the cutting edge Machine Learning techniques available today, the possibilities are even more exciting.

Let's talk: [email protected]

Companies I've worked with

Fusion Media Group
W3 Edge
Russmedia Tech
3 Pillar Global

What others are saying

Daniel Bachhuber — Director Of Engineering, Fusion Media Group:

Cristi is an incredibly strong engineer whom I learn from on every project. He has a rare ability to understand systems in depth and form opinions on how they should all work together.