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How-to Guides

Technical References

Create new sites

Creating a new subsite within a multisite network

The Super Admin, an administrator who manages a multisite network, has the capability to create a new subsite on a multisite. This action is performed in the Network Admin on the Sites dashboard found by navigating to:
My Sites > Network Admin > Sites
Click Add New and fill in the details for a new subsite.

By default, all subsites use a subdirectory structure; this path can be changed to a new domain as part of the launch process.

Newly created subsites will be automatically connected to Jetpack, Akismet, and VaultPress. Custom Elasticsearch indexes must be built by VIP Support for new subsites.

Site redesigns

There are times when a site is undergoing a redesign for a campaign or general freshening up with new coding and content updates. Remember that VIP’s platform uses a content-down and code-up workflow. This means that any new content needs to be added to the production site and then synced down to child environments, and new code should be tested on the child environment prior to merging to production.

This workflow ensures that no child environments introduce anything into the live production environment that could cause adverse outcomes such as taking down a launched site or even opening it up to security issues. VIP does not accommodate child environment > production environment imports into launched (sites receiving traffic) environments. Leaving content in a draft-state in production allows content to be bulk-published on a “go-live” date on your go-live date, and Pull Requests containing new code can then be merged.

Customers on VIP have also successfully launched site redesigns by using MultilingualPress’s “Based on site” feature to create a new subsite within a network based on the original site they are intending to edit. This allows new content to be staged on the Production environment, may stage the site with new content, using the Maintenance Mode plugin to keep the site redesign out of the public eye if needed.

In most cases, a site redesign on a multisite network can be self-launched.

Requesting a new environment

In some cases (different team or agency access, security reasons, etc.) a subsite within a multisite network will not suffice, and a new VIP environment will need to be created. If available, a Relationship Manager can provide more information about which new environment will fit your business needs.

The VIP Support team can also answer questions about new environments and assist with requests for new environments. Requests should include:

  • indication that a new environment will be a WordPress single site or WordPress multisite environment
  • a list of any child environments (pre-production, develop, etc.) that will need to be created as well.

Last updated: June 16, 2021