Speaker Announcement: Niko Pettersen

Niko Pettersen is a web developer from Helsinki, Finland with almost a decade of experience in building online services. He’s also one of the key organisers of Frontend Finland and is an active member of the web team behind the upcoming IxDA Interaction 16 event.

Niko has participated in dozens of projects at Frantic involving multilingual WordPress sites. He is eager to share his experiences both from a developer’s perspective and how clients can manage their multilingual content using plugins such as WPML and Polylang.

Tickets are running out, get yours.

Call for Volunteers

Update: we’ve had plenty of volunteer requests and will let everyone know shortly

Would you like to help in organising WordCamp Finland? Volunteering is a great way to get an inside look into organising an event. We’ll need volunteers to eg. help with registration on the day of the event, keeping the talks on schedule, setting up the venue etc. If you’re interested, you can fill the below form or come to the next Tampere WordPress Meetup on Thursday, April 9th. For most volunteers, we will need you to be in town the day before the event.

Speaker Announcement: Tiia Rantanen

Tiia Rantanen is a web developer from Trimedia with years of experience with WordPress. She has developed projects from e-commerce to customized solutions. Tiia is also experienced with other content management systems but WordPress is her personal favorite. At WordCamp Finland Tiia will be talking about security, especially on what can be done to avoid the usual issues both server-side and client side, what makes your server installation safe and how it affects WordPress.

More speakers will be announced this week and the next, so check out the list of our other speakers.

Speaker Announcement: Tony Kovanen

We’re pleased to announce a new WordCamp Finland speaker, Tony Kovanen. Tony works with Automattic as a JavaScript wrangler hacking on Jetpack among other things. He is a core team member of Socket.IO and contributes to a number of other Open Source projects. He says he loves to explore new technologies to improve user experience, code quality and performance.

Tony’s talk will be on the current and future possibilities offered by the REST API in Jetpack and future WordPress versions for theme and plugin developers.

A third of the tickets have gone in the first week of ticket sales. Get yours now.

Speaker Announcement: Timo-Jaakko Rautavuori

rautavuoriTimo-Jaakko Rautavuori has been working in online journalism since 2006 at Aamulehti (second-largest newspaper in Finland in terms of circulation) and its parent company, Alma Media. His background is in journalism but the past few years his title has been Development Manager. In his current job he has managed multiple news site renewal projects. Some of these projects involved a closed CMS, but increasingly often the platform of choice has been WordPress. At WordCamp Finland Rautavuori will share his experiences of implementing WordPress from a media company perspective, and how well WP has suited their needs. His talk will be in Finnish.

You can find Timo-Jaakko on Twitter: @timojr

Timo-Jaakko Rautavuori on työskennellyt verkkojournalismin parissa Aamulehdessä ja Alma Mediassa vuodesta 2006.  Rautavuori on taustaltaan toimittaja, mutta hän on työskennellyt viime vuodet kehityspäällikkönä. Tänä aikana hän on toiminut projektipäällikkönä useissa uutiverkkopalveluiden uudistusprojekteissa. Osa näistä sivustoista hyödyntää lisensoitua CMS:ää, mutta yhä useampi avoimen lähdekoodin WordPressiä. WordCamp Finlandissa Rautavuori kertoo asiakkaan näkökulmasta, miten WP:n käyttöönotto mediayhtiössä on onnistunut ja miten WP on vastannut mediayhtiön tarpeita.

Tickets, Workshops and Speakers

WordCamp Finland is now only 7 weeks away! Ticket sales have got a good start, you can get yours here. The ticket (10 euros) covers one conference day (Friday), lunch and coffee, workshops on Saturday (more on those later in this post), a t-shirt and entrance to the after-party on Friday evening.

So get your ticket now and don’t forget to tell your friends about it.


Speaker applications have closed (actually a while ago). We got lots of good speaker requests and will be contacting each applicant individually. Follow this blog to receive news on our speakers. The first two (Mikko Virenius and Yana Petrova) are already up on the Speakers page.

Workshop Day

We’re really excited to announce that WordCamp Finland will in fact be a two-day event! On Saturday 9th May we will have workshops on publishing your own plugin, creating child themes, professional WordPress development using git and composer, and translating WordPress. If you think you might be interested in attending a workshop, please check the box on the ticket form so we have an idea of how many will be coming.

Speaker announcement: Yana Petrova

We’re happy to welcome Yana Petrova to speak at WordCamp Finland.

Coming from Sofia, Bulgaria, Yana is a freelance marketing consultant, event organiser, foodie and traveler. She’s been blogging about food since 2010 and in the past couple of years she’s been organising local technical conferences in Bulgaria, including OpenFest – the biggest Bulgarian event dedicated to free software, free culture and knowledge sharing. She’s also a chaos maintainer in the civic hacking organisation Obshtestvo.bg (Society:Bulgaria) that builds independent online tools to help society be closer to the government and the decision making process.

At WordCamp Finland Yana will be talking about content marketing for geeks.


Speaker announcement: Mikko Virenius

We’re happy to announce our first speaker for WordCamp Finland, Mikko Virenius!

Mikko Virenius is one of the most experienced WordPress experts in Finland. He’s been working with WP full-time since 2008, and currently is a WordPress developer and partner at Jyväskylä-based Media Cabinet Oy. At WordCamp Finland Mikko will be speaking on doing business with WordPress. His talk will be in Finnish.

Oh and ticket sales are now open. Get yours now.

Mikko Virenius on yksi Suomen kokeneimmista WordPress-asiantuntijoista. WordPressin parissa Mikko on toiminut päätoimisesti vuodesta 2008 lähtien. Nykyään Mikko työskentelee WordPress-kehittäjänä ja osakkaana Jyväskyläläisessä Media Cabinet Oy:ssä. WordCamp Finlandissa Mikko luo yleiskatsauksen siitä, miten markkina ja WP:n hyödyntäminen bisnesmielessä on kehittynyt Suomessa hänen oman uransa aikana ja mitkä asiat painottuvat jatkossa.

Apply to speak at WordCamp Finland 2015

For the first WordCamp Finland, we’re excited to get brilliant speakers on board to make it happen. The event will be held May 8, 2015 in Tampere. Would you like to be one of the speakers? The deadline for speaker applications is March the 6th.

Talk Format & Submission Guidelines

Full-length sessions will be 30 minutes long with 15 additional minutes for questions from the audience. We might also include a few 10-15 minute lightning talks. We have a one track schedule so we’d like to have lots of different topics covered. Apply now and let us know your story.

Suggestions for topics

  • WordPress security
  • Speed optimisation
  • Server setups
  • Theme development
  • Theme and plugin development frameworks
  • Typography
  • Doing business with WordPress
  • eCommerce
  • Working with plugin X
  • Internationalization and localisation
  • Developer tools
  • Modern JavaScript and WordPress
  • Designing with WordPress

Submit a form to apply

Submit form and apply for speaking in WordCamp Finland. We hope that you will speak in english but you can also speak in finnish.

Welcome to WordCamp Finland

We’re happy to announce that our first WordCamp Finland will be in May 8th, 2015 in Tampere. We’ll hope you can join us, see you there.


Subscribe using the form in the sidebar to stay up to date on the most recent news. We’ll be keeping you posted on all the details over the coming months, including speaker submissions, ticket sales and more!