Open Knowledge Belgium

Learning @osoc21

Yaiza Narganez Gomez

Open summer of code isn’t only a summer program for students and coaches alike, it’s also a great learning opportunity to work on open innovation projects in collaboration with partners. 

Students get to work on real-life projects while learning different skills and student coaches even get to polish their leadership know-how, just like Ines did: 

“At #osoc21 I have learnt that leadership is really about just being there to support the team when needed, if needed. That leadership styles really depend on the team and your own personality. For me, I really like the type of leadership that enables everyone to take their own lead in a way that synergises with the rest.”

Our 60+ participants all worked hand in hand in different teams to share their skills and expertise with each other. Tips, tricks, feedback and ressources on design, development, communication and business were shared through peer-to-peer teaching.

A lot of workshops took place these past four weeks where theoretical and practical knowledge was shared in-between students, coaches and councillors. Here’s a small sneak peek of a few of #osoc21’s workshops: 

  1. Dev 001 by Christophe Leroy👩‍💻 giving us an introduction to what development is and the different tasks of a developer in a team. He introduced our students to tools and resources to start out with development.
  2. Make your projects prosper by Anastasia Dvoryanchikova 🖖 motivating students and coaches to gain insights on how to make their projects last longer and make sure they’re sustainable through time.
  3. Data prototyping in Notion by Thor Galle📊 opening our creative minds to the wonderful possibilities of prototyping data in clear and user friendly visualisations that help take your project further than ever before.

These workshops along with the agile work methods were crucial in this edition of open summer of code. Everyone got to work on new materials and skills while gaining insight on their own individual advancement as well as that of the team thanks to standups, sprints and retrospectives. 

Every project’s team building got improved day by day by brainstorming sessions about the tasks at hand and scoping sessions to keep track of the work to do and not losing sight of their primary goals. Home-made resources were available at hand whenever our students and coaches needed guidance in brainstorming and scoping.

The results were reviewed weekly during client meetings and pitching festivals. The regular and constructive feedback provided growth and took projects to the next level. 

Curious about these pitches and what each team managed to deliver at the end of #osoc21? Join us at our online Demo Day on 29/07 at 1PM. 

Register for free now:


Open knowledge Belgium VZW / asbl
Cantersteen 12
1000 Brussels
BE 0845 419 930
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