General information

What is EIT Climate-KIC?

EIT Climate-KIC is the EU’s largest public-private partnership addressing climate change through innovation to build a zero-carbon economy.

We are supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union that boosts innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe. The EIT has created numerous “Knowledge and Innovation Communities” (KICs) focused on different societal challenges, and EIT Climate-KIC is the innovation community addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation.

We have brought together a world-class network of partners – from businesses of every size, academia and the public sector – who share a common interest in tackling climate change. We create new partnerships to integrate research, business and technology in order to transform innovative ideas into new goods, services and jobs.

We offer services to entrepreneurs to help them create their businesses, and we train students to use their climate change knowledge in the business world.


What does EIT Climate-KIC offer the public and private sectors?

We help our public and private sector partners to identify, develop and bring to market climate change innovations. 

Find out more about potential partnerships here and investment opportunities here.

What do we offer students?

We offer added value to Masters and PhD degree programmes at the best academic institutions across Europe, as well as an annual summer school that helps turn ideas into business plans.

Find out more about our education programmes here.

What do we offer entrepreneurs and start-ups?

We offer specific programmes to help entrepreneurs and start-ups, including our Accelerator programme, our master classes and EIT Climate-KIC competitions. 

Find more informationabout our entrepreneurship programmes here.

Where is EIT Climate-KIC based?

We operate across 13 European centres, including the major cities of Brussels, London, Paris and Berlin. Each centre has a director that forms part of an executive team led by our chief executive officer, who is based in our Amsterdam office. We cultivate our relationship with Europe from our Brussels office.

How does EIT Climate-KIC fight climate change?

We address climate change across four priority areas where focused climate innovation can have the most impact: urban transitions, sustainable production systems, sustainable land use and decision metrics &finance.

We identify challenges across these areas and develop innovation with the most potential for environmental gain and continued prosperity.

Education is at the heart of these focus areas, as we aim to inspire and empower the next generation of climate leaders. We run programmes for students, start-ups and innovators across Europe via centres in major cities, convening a community of the best people and organisations.

Together with our partners we support research projects to identify opportunities for climate mitigation, then implement the findings through innovation projects to create products and services. Then we take them to market through existing businesses, new joint ventures and spin-off companies.


Who are EIT Climate-KIC’s partners?

We have a large group of core and affiliate partners across the network, from both public and private sector backgrounds.

You can find an overview of our core partners online.

What role do your partners play?

Our partners help us drive the network forward by integrating research, business and technology. They enable EIT Climate-KIC to transform innovative ideas into new goods, services and jobs.

A full list of our partners can be found here

How can I become a partner?

If you are interested in becoming a new partner, or in advancing your partnership role within the network, please contact your innovation hub.


What is an EIT Climate-KIC innovation hub and what happens there?

Across Europe, we have innovation hubs, or centres, led by world-class universities and companies. These hubs help develop local innovation ecosystems and link into a network of implementation sites across Europe.

Where are your innovation hubs located?

Click here for an overview of our innovation hubs.

Why have these geographical locations been chosen?

These locations offer extensive collaboration between industry, academia and research centres, and are already strongly supported by local governments.

Who are the innovation hubs’ main customers?

Local and international partners, students and clean-tech entrepreneurs are the main customers and users of our centres.


How is EIT Climate-KIC structured?

The EIT Climate-KIC group consists of Association Climate-KIC, a not-for-profit entity registered in the Netherlands, and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Climate-KIC Holding B.V., which was established by the Association to deliver its objectives. Climate-KIC Holding B.V. has further subsidiaries across Europe.

Who is in charge?

Strategically, we are led by our Assembly and our Governing Board, which includes representatives from our core partners.

Our Executive Team runs EIT Climate-KIC operationally. It is led by an Executive Board which is in turn overseen by our Supervisory Board. Find out more about our governance structure.

What is the role of the EIT Climate-KIC Assembly?

The Assembly is the main body of Association Climate-KIC. It includes representatives from all members of the Association and from our 30 core partners. 

The Assembly meets twice a year, in June and September. It has decision-making authority with respect to appointing members of the Governing Board, any amendments to the Association’s articles, membership fees for core partners and the Association’s annual accounts. It is also involved in setting the multi-annual strategy of the Association and its subsidiaries. 

Click here for an overview of our Assembly members.

What is the role of EIT Climate-KIC’s Governing Board?

The Governing Board has responsibility for the Association’s activities and oversees the group’s multi-annual strategy. Its 13 members are appointed by the Assembly for an initial period of three years, with an option for one re-appointment.

Click here for an overview of the members of our Governing Board.

What is the role of EIT Climate-KIC’s Supervisory Board?

The Supervisory Board oversees the policies of the Executive Board and the general affairs of the company. Two of its members – the chair and finance specialist – are independent. The remaining three members are nominated from our partner organisations.

Click here for an overview of the members of the Supervisory Board.

What is the Executive Board and what is its role?

The Executive Board manages the day-to-day activities of the EIT Climate-KIC group and leads the Executive Team.

Click here for an overview of our Executive Board and Executive Team.

Where can a find an overview of EIT Climate-KIC policies for third parties?

We have outlined Climate-KIC terms and conditions, as well as an overview of its mandatory policies, on this page.


How and when did EIT Climate-KIC begin?

EIT Climate-KIC, established in 2010, is one of six Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) under the auspices of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

What is the EIT?

The EIT is a body of the European Union.  Its mission is to increase sustainable growth and competitiveness within Europe by strengthening the innovation capacity of the EU. EIT Climate-KIC supports this mission by addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The EIT’s support helps innovators and entrepreneurs across Europe to turn their ideas into products and services for the market. This is crucial to fulfilling the mission of the EIT: delivering the jobs and sustainable economic growth opportunities that Europe is seeking.

Together we are playing a vital role in helping to increase economic growth and create jobs.

For more information on EIT please visit