DEV Community

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23521 posts published


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple language for adding style (e.g., fonts, colors, spacing) to HTML documents. It describes how HTML elements should be displayed.

16745 posts published


Content centering around the shifting left of responsibility, deconstruction of responsibility silos, and the automation of repetitive work tasks.

13470 posts published


12830 posts published


This tag is for anything relating to careers! Job offers, workplace conflict, interviews, resumes, promotions, etc.

14810 posts published


Optional static type-checking for JavaScript.

9905 posts published


8393 posts published


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a collection of web-services for computing, storage, machine learning, security, and more There are over 150+ AWS service with new services being announced yearly.

9126 posts published


7371 posts published


6635 posts published


There is no cloud, only other peoples computers.

3821 posts published


5644 posts published


5288 posts published


All computing — without servers!

4523 posts published


This tag is for anything related to Apple's iOS devices, operating system, and development environment. Development, usage, apps, tips, requests for help: if it's related to iOS it's welcome here!

3723 posts published


This tag is for sharing and asking questions about anything related to computer science, including data structures, algorithms, research, and white papers! 🤓

5081 posts published


4429 posts published


3422 posts published


Heap, Binary Tree, Data Structure it doesn't matter. This tag should be used for anything Algorithm & Data Structure focused.

3545 posts published


2280 posts published


2433 posts published


4033 posts published


3590 posts published


3824 posts published


Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.

3103 posts published


3485 posts published


2155 posts published


"...because thinking inside the box is okay, as long as it's a black box."

1491 posts published


2020 posts published


User Experience tips, tricks, discussions, and more!

2318 posts published


Tag for content related to software performance.

2193 posts published


3302 posts published


3830 posts published


Posts on tips and tricks, using and learning about SQL for database development and analysis.

2621 posts published


1988 posts published


1180 posts published


Agile! A iterative and time boxed approach to software development where you build software incrementally from the start instead of trying to deliver all at once.

1854 posts published


The modern way to build websites and apps that delivers better performance

979 posts published


Dear Diary...

1529 posts published


Firebase helps you build and run successful apps. It offers products and solutions you can rely on through your app's journey.

1574 posts published


Canonical, Ubuntu, Linux and related technology.

1582 posts published


970 posts published


2092 posts published


3996 posts published


1971 posts published


831 posts published


2325 posts published


Tag dedicated to posts about user interface. Tips, tricks, techniques, approaches, etc.

1042 posts published


2139 posts published


1640 posts published


1848 posts published


893 posts published


Essa tag é para devs brasileiros, e conteúdo em português do Brasil

741 posts published


1889 posts published


Posts on tips and tricks, using and learning about MySQL for database development and analysis.

1323 posts published


1892 posts published


767 posts published


Tag for content related to software monitoring.

859 posts published


669 posts published


2191 posts published


All subjects concerning Hashicorp's IaC tool `Terraform`.

906 posts published


Audiophiles unite! Learn on the go with dev podcasts, there are lots of different shows about lots of topics, done in a lot of different styles so hopefully you can find some that suit your needs.

1824 posts published


3504 posts published


1525 posts published


1402 posts published


742 posts published


2068 posts published


1662 posts published


737 posts published


495 posts published


651 posts published


760 posts published


2119 posts published


498 posts published


1284 posts published


2268 posts published


563 posts published


1878 posts published


766 posts published


1339 posts published


1441 posts published


513 posts published


799 posts published


550 posts published


701 posts published


719 posts published


972 posts published


489 posts published


667 posts published


954 posts published


881 posts published


767 posts published


382 posts published


604 posts published


Perl is a high-level dynamic programming language with some extraordinary features that make using it fun and that make the users productive.

533 posts published


A tag for the Unity game engine

348 posts published


491 posts published


539 posts published


54 posts published


802 posts published