
Delivering Excellence in a Digital World

We see digitalization as an enormous opportunity to increase efficiency and enhance the experience of both our customers and employees. That’s why we’re accelerating our efforts to take full advantage of it.


Digitalization is a Turning Point in Our History

The world is going digital – a paradigm shift that’s having a huge impact on our lives. The use of digital technology has radically changed the way we communicate, travel, consume and work.

Often called the digital transformation, the use of technology to optimize core business and modernize IT infrastructure may very well be the biggest opportunity since globalization. It is equipping humankind with fundamentally new abilities and enhancing processes like never before.

Digitalization is playing a key role in our strategy. We believe it will make our business more efficient and effective, empower our people to provide ever improving service to our customers, and create new opportunities in logistics. That’s why we’re accelerating our efforts to go digital. Our Strategy 2025 – Delivering excellence in a digital world – steps up the digital transformation already underway across our Group. With dedicated enterprise architecture and centers of excellence, we’re taking concrete steps to reshape our IT landscape and drive this turning point in our history.


Improving Experiences and Increasing Efficiency

Digitalization involves leveraging technology to optimize our core business and modernize our IT infrastructure. But what is it really about? The answer is simple and has three parts: it’s about enhancing our customers’ experience, improving employees’ experience, and increasing our operational efficiency.

We want to enhance our customers’ experience by making it easier to interact with us and access all the information they need at all times. State-of-the-art digital platforms allow us to do that. For example, Find out more aboutmyDHLi is a fully integrated online tool for freight forwarding customers. It makes the entire shipping process digital, offering full visibility and control over all shipping and transport modes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

300 Million

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Digital innovations are also enabling us to introduce technologies that support our employees and improve their experience. By increasingly integrating digital tools into the workplace, we are seeing tangible on-the-job improvements by that foster collaboration and reduceing repetitive work so that our people can concentrate on more complex, value-adding tasks. For example, our mobile app, Connect, enables our entire workforce – some 550,000 people around the world – to connect with one another, ask questions, share information, and more‘vision picking’ utilizes smart glasses and augmented reality to enable hands-free order picking. At our smart warehouse in Beringe, The Netherlands, we’ve deployed a team of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) to work alongside humans to improve existing processes or create new ones. The robots can travel in between pickers and packagers, which means our people spend less time on their feet moving around the warehouse and more time performing the more demanding task of picking.

Optimizing our business also means increasing operational efficiency, and today’s technology provides many opportunities to do this. Robotic process automation (RPA), for example, allows users to configure computer software to imitate how a human executes a process within a digital system. Automating or even eliminating time-consuming, repetitive tasks reduces the need for human intervention in certain steps and thereby speeds up processes. This not only has the potential to remove bottlenecks, it also frees up human resources for more value-adding tasks. And that ultimately empowers people to better meet customers’ needs.