WordCamp San Francisco

WordCamp San Francisco was held on May 30, 2009. In attendance were over 700 people from 32 countries.

Photo by Sean O'Shaughnessy


Time Track 1 Track 2
8 am Registration Opens
9 am Matt Mullenweg
9:15 am Tim Ferriss
Author of the 4-Hour Workweek
Scalable Blogging Behaviors
Andy Peatling
Lead developer of BuddyPress
Cooking With BuddyPress
10:05 am Matt Cutts
Head of webspam team at Google
Straight from Google: What You Need to Know
Dave Moyer
Host of WordCast and podcaster extraordinaire
Podcasting with WordPress
10:55 am Matt Mullenweg
Founder of WordPress and Automattic
State of the Word: Presentation
11:45 am Lunch
1:15 pm Matt Mullenweg
Founder of WordPress and Automattic
State of the Word: Questions and Answers
2:10 pm Tara Hunt
Community expert and founder of Citizen Agency
Makin Whuffie
Dave Gray
Founder of XPLANE, the visual thinking company
Your Business Web
3:00 pm Philip Greenspun
MIT professor and Internet innovator
How the Web & the Weblog changed Writing
Ann Oyama
Freelance WordPress developer
Customizing Themes and Plugins
3:35 pm Chris Pirillo
Founder of Lockergnome
Steve Souders
Performance guru at Google
Even Faster WordPress Themes
4:15 pm Douglas Hanna
Guy behind the WordPress.org Showcase
Showcasing the WordPress.org Showcase
Scott Porad
CTO at Pet Holdings, Inc. (aka lolcats)
FAILs, LOLs and User-Generated Content
5:00 pm John Lilly
CEO of Mozilla, makers of Firefox
Lessons from Mozilla
Cali Lewis
Host and producer of GeekBrief.TV
Building an Interactive Audience
5:45 pm Matt Mullenweg
8:00 pm WordPress Anniversary Party at the Automattic Lounge
May 31
11 am—5 pm WordPress Developer Day at the Automattic Lounge
More information: Directions | About the WordPress Developer Day

Flickr Photos

  • 苳 比利 - WC4095-交流派對-by_Billy
  • 苳 比利 - WC2053-交流派對-by_吟萱
  • 苳 比利 - WC3821-交流派對-by_fliesyan
  • 苳 比利 - WC2084-交流派對-by_吟萱
  • 苳 比利 - WC4096-交流派對-by_Billy
  • 苳 比利 - WC3618-交流派對-by_明和
  • 苳 比利 - WC1997-交流派對-by_吟萱
  • 苳 比利 - WC2085-交流派對-by_吟萱
  • 苳 比利 - WC3576-交流派對-by_明和
  • 苳 比利 - WC2056-交流派對-by_吟萱
  • 苳 比利 - WC1986-交流派對-by_吟萱
  • 苳 比利 - WC1977-交流派對-by_吟萱
  • 苳 比利 - WC3513-交流派對-by_明和
  • 苳 比利 - WC3546-交流派對-by_明和
  • 苳 比利 - WC3602-交流派對-by_明和
  • 苳 比利 - WC2081-交流派對-by_吟萱
  • 苳 比利 - WC1966-交流派對-by_吟萱
  • 苳 比利 - WC3584-交流派對-by_明和
  • 苳 比利 - WC2090-交流派對-by_吟萱
  • 苳 比利 - WC2066-交流派對-by_吟萱
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