This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Scroll Triggered Boxes


Scroll Triggered Boxes

Scroll Triggered Boxes is a lightweight plugin for adding flexible call-to-actions to your WordPress site. Boxes can slide or fade in at any point and can contain whatever content you like.

This plugin is the predecessor of the Boxzilla Plugin, which you should use instead.


  • Create boxes containing whatever content you like: shortcodes, links, custom HTML, anything really.
  • Show boxes automatically after scrolling down based on a percentage point or a certain element (like your comment section).
  • Show boxes using a button or link.
  • Choose the box position: centered or in any corner of the screen.
  • Choose between a fading or sliding animation for showing the box.
  • Customize the box appearance using a few simple color & dimension controls.
  • Only load the box on certain pages, posts, etc.
  • Control how long dismissed boxes should stay hidden.
  • Control whether boxes should show on small screens.

Read more about Scroll Triggered Boxes.


In May 2016, this plugin was replaced by Boxzilla, which is also available on the plugin repository.

Contributing and reporting bugs

You can contribute to this plugin using GitHub: ibericode/scroll-triggered-boxes


Please use the plugin support forums for community support where we try to help all users.

If you think you’ve found a bug, please report it on GitHub.


  • A scroll triggered box with a newsletter sign-up form.
  • Another scroll triggered box, this time with social media sharing options.
  • A differently styled social triggered box.
  • Configuring and customizing your boxes is easy.


This plugin has been replaced by Boxzilla. It is highly recommended you use that instead.


Installation Instructions

This plugin has been replaced by Boxzilla. It is highly recommended you use that instead.

Should I use this or Boxzilla?

We are no longer actively pushing out new features to this plugin, so it highly recommended you use the Boxzilla Plugin instead.

What does this plugin do?

Have a look at the Scroll Triggered Boxes demo site.

How to display a form in the box?

The plugin is battle-tested with the plugins below but will work with any plugin that uses shortcodes.

How to display sharing options in the box?

The plugin is tested with the plugins below but will work with any plugin that uses shortcodes.

How do I set more advanced rules for on which pages to show a box?

You can use conditional tags to set super-customized rules.

Example: only show for posts in category ‘cars’

is_single() && in_category( 'cars' )

*Example: show everywhere except on pages with slug ‘contact’ and ‘checkout’

! is_page( array( 'contact', 'checkout' ) )
Can I have a box to open after clicking a certain link or button?

Sure, just link to the box element.

Example (box ID is 94 in this example)

<a href="#stb-94">Open Box</a>
Can I have a box to open right after opening a page?

Sure, just include stb- followed by the box ID in the URL.

Example (box ID is 94 in this example)
How to set more advanced styling rules

If you want more advanced styling, you can use CSS to further style the boxes. Every box gets its own unique #id as well as various CSS classes.

.stb-{id} { } /* 1 particular box */
.stb { } /* all boxes */
.stb-close{ } /* the close button of the box */
I want to disable auto-paragraphs in the box content

All default WordPress filters are added to the stb_content filter hook. If you want to remove any of them, add the respectable line to your theme its functions.php file.

remove_filter( 'stb_box_content', 'wptexturize') ;
remove_filter( 'stb_box_content', 'convert_smilies' );
remove_filter( 'stb_box_content', 'convert_chars' );
remove_filter( 'stb_box_content', 'wpautop' );
remove_filter( 'stb_box_content', 'do_shortcode' );
remove_filter( 'stb_box_content', 'shortcode_unautop' );
I want to disable closing of the box

add_filter( ‘stb_box_options’, function( $opts ) {
$opts[‘unclosable’] = true;
return $opts;


September 3, 2016
its good but please clear the documentation a little bit.
September 3, 2016
Pop-up are greatly needed for any website, this plugin provides you the most convinient way of implementing it ! Hassle free.... Kudos to the plugin team !
September 3, 2016
I thought I would have to implemente my own system to display a box in a corner in some pages.... Most of this "call to action" plugins take over the page or need a short codes to appear.... Note: My adblocker was blocking the box and took me some time to discover that problem.... You guys could add a note about that in Settings page! Thanks for creating this plugin!
Read all 97 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Scroll Triggered Boxes” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



2.2.3 – May 11, 2016

Scroll Triggered Boxes is now Boxzilla!

Because of the new name accompanied with some breaking changes, Boxzilla is released as a new plugin on the plugin repository.

While it is highly recommend you start using Boxzilla, you can do so at your own pace. Whenever you’re ready to make the switch, please read through the upgrade guide for a full list of changes.

2.2.2 – April 11, 2016


  • Fixes notice on settings page when creating a new box.


  • Fallback for box initialization when other script errors.
  • Getting ready for new Exit Intent add-on, to be released soon.
  • Use event bubbling for #stb-103 style links, so link elements loaded over AJAX can also open boxes.

2.2.1 – March 2, 2016


  • “Test mode” setting from individual box pages not saving and throwing a warning.

2.2 – March 2, 2016


  • CSS initial keyword compatibility fix for Internet Explorer


  • Allow glob-style patterns for matching URL’s and referer URL’s, eg *
  • Allow matching any condition or all conditions to load a box.


  • Boxes can now be marked “unclosable” by filtering the box options (see FAQ).
  • When box is “center” positioned, clicking the overlay now uses an error click margin to avoid unintentionally dismissing a box.
  • Close icon can now be removed by passing an empty string to the stb_box_close_icon filter.
  • “Test mode” setting is now shown on individual box settings pages as well, for convenience.
  • When editing a box, an empty box rule is now always shown.

2.1.4 – November 19, 2015


2.1.3 – October 19, 2015


  • (Non-fatal) JS error introduced in version 2.1.2


  • Improved error messages & general textual improvements to admin pages.

2.1.2 – October 15, 2015


  • Sample boxes were no longer being created on plugin installation


  • Added “Box ID” column to boxes overview page so it’s easier to find your box ID.


  • The box cookie is now set after each form submissions, preventing it from showing up again
  • When using MailChimp for WordPress, the box will now auto-show again after submitting the page.

2.1.1 – August 20, 2015


  • Activation error on Multisite.


  • Added an “instant” option as the box trigger, which shows the box immediately after loading a page.

2.1 – July 8, 2015


  • “If post is” filter with empty value was not working.


  • Added autocomplete search to filter rule values, which autocompletes post, page, category and post type slugs.
  • Minor other usability improvements to box filters.


  • Added is_post_in_category filter rule condition, to target posts that have a certain category.

2.0.4 – July 6, 2015


  • Boxes were not showing if any other resource (images, scripts, etc.) on the page failed to load.


  • Extension thumbnails are now clickable.
  • Prevent notice for empty string values in box rules.


  • The plugin now creates a sample box upon plugin installation.

2.0.3 – July 2, 2015


  • The cookie for closing a box was always set to expire at the end of the session

2.0.2 – May 18, 2015


  • JavaScript error when loading box editor in HTML mode
  • Remove type hint for function that adds metaboxes, as this differs for new (unpublished) boxes


2.0.1 – May 12, 2015


  • Fix page level targeting no longer working

2.0 – May 12, 2015

Major revamp of the plugin, maintaining backwards compatibility.

Important changes

  • The plugin now comes with several [premium add-on plugins which further enhance the functionality of the plugin]( wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=scroll-triggered-boxes&utm_campaignchangelog).
  • PHP 5.3 or higher is required.
  • “Test mode” is now a global setting.
  • Various UX improvements.

If you encounter a bug, please open an issue on GitHub.

1.4.4 – April 4, 2015


1.4.3 – January 29, 2015


  • Various performance improvements
  • Updated all links to use https protocol

1.4.2 – December 4, 2014


  • Box not automatically appearing if cookie time was set, caused by yesterdays update.

1.4.1 – December 3, 2014


  • CSS Height issue breaking SIDR navigation in some themes.


  • If cookie lifetime option is set to 0, existing cookies will be ignored now too.

1.4 – November 17, 2014


  • Added option to disable box for smaller screen sizes, defaults to box width.

1.3.1 – September 4, 2014


  • Fixed an issue with rules disappearing when having more than 5 posts.


  • Some textual improvements.

1.3 – July 30, 2014



  • Add “bottom center” and “top center” position options

1.2.2 – July 7, 2014



  • Now using native JS cookies, greatly reducing the script size.
  • Added various debugging statements to the script.

1.2.1 – May 21, 2014


  • You can now use JavaScript functions like 42 ) or STB.hide( 42 ) to show/hide boxes.


  • Box is now more responsive, it will now never stretch beyond the screen width.
  • Various minor code improvements.
  • Wrapped remaining strings in translation calls.

1.2 – April 18, 2014

  • Improved: Plugin is now fully translatable. Fixed various string typo’s.