How to Stay in Touch After WordCamp Northeast Ohio


Thank you for joining us at WordCamp Northeast Ohio 2021!

We’ll give one more shout-out to our speakers, volunteers, and sponsors. This event would not be possible without you!

Watch the Recordings

All the sessions were recorded and will be added to in the coming weeks. Check back to to catch up on sessions you missed or re-watch your favorites.

Leave Feedback on Sessions

Let the speakers and organizers know what you thought of specific sessions at WordCamp Northeast in the feedback section of our site. You’ll be helping us prepare for future events and providing constructive feedback to the speakers. 👏

Attend the NEO WordPress Meetup

As Megan mentioned in her keynote, there are so many ways to engage with the WordPress community, and we’d love to have you stay in touch with our Northeast Ohio Meetup group!

Keep in Touch on Slack

If you want to chat with speakers after the event, have questions for the organizing team about future events, or just want a way to connect with the Northeast Ohio WordPress community, we highly encourage you to join our Slack workspace!

Follow Us on Social Media

WordPress Northeast Ohio is on Twitter and Facebook. We’d love to hear from you!

Thanks again for a great event and we hope to stay in touch with everyone throughout the year!

Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

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