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Security and access to account
How do I reset my password?
My account was hacked!
How can I block an account I don't have access to?
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Music section news
Why can't I listen to music with my screen off?
How can I listen to music now without a subscription?
Why does it now cost money to listen to music?
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Fake profile
My old profile
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Profile settings
How do I get a check mark next to my name or my community’s name? Verification.
How do I delete my account?
How do I change my password?
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How do I get a copy of my VK data?
I restricted some people from sending me messages. Why are they still able to send me messages?
How do I stop people from sending me messages?
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General questions
What is Prometheus and how can I get the fire badge?
Coronavirus news feed
How can I ask Support a question?
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Friends and followers
How do I find out who unfriended me?
Who am I following?
How can find someone by their ID?
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How can I restore deleted messages?
How do I return to a group chat if I've already left and cleared the message history?
How can I find out the total number of my messages?
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How do I cancel my music subscription?
How do I get a student music subscription?
How do I subscribe to Combo?
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How do I hide my photos from other users?
Saved photos
How can I edit or hide the "Saved photos" album?
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Stories archive
How do I search for videos?
How do I hide my videos from other users?
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How can I change a community or profile URL?
How do I delete my community (group, public page, event)?
How do I find out the ID of a profile or community?
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How do I report a VK post?
How do I share a post?
How are post views counted?
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Name change
How do I change my name?
Can I use a fake name or a pseudonym?
I want to write my name using Latin characters
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Payments and transfers
Êàê ïîëó÷èòü ãîëîñà áåñïëàòíî?
Êàê ïîïîëíèòü áàëàíñ ðåêëàìíîãî êàáèíåòà?
Êîìèññèÿ ïðè ñîâåðøåíèè ïåðåâîäîâ
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Votes, gifts, stickers
How can I transfer money?
What are votes, and how do I buy them?
Ïîêóïêà ãîëîñîâ ÂÊîíòàêòå çà áîíóñû «Ñïàñèáî» îò Ñáåðáàíêà
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Possible problems
Another user is using my phone number. How can I link it to my page?
I'm being blackmailed! What can I do?
I accidentally deleted something from my page. Help!
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Mini apps
Êàê óäàëèòü VK Ïî÷òó?
×òî òàêîå VK Ïî÷òà?
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How do I play games without logging into VK?
How do I install Play Machine?
Why does my status show what game I’m playing?
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How do I delete a VK Connect account?
What is VK Connect?
How do I connect or disconnect a service in VK Connect?
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VK Pay
×òî òàêîå VK Pay?
Êàê ðàáîòàåò ðàññðî÷êà VK Pay?
Êàê ïåðåâåñòè äåíüãè äðóãó ÷åðåç VK Pay?
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API and Wiki
×òî äåëàòü, åñëè ÿ íå ìîãó ïîëó÷èòü êëþ÷ äîñòóïà? Âûâîäèòñÿ îøèáêà «This application has no right to use messages».
Ïðè âûçîâå ìåòîäîâ API âîçâðàùàåòñÿ îøèáêà 8, invalid request.
Êàê ÷àñòî ìîæíî îáðàùàòüñÿ ê API?
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Ñòîèìîñòü ðàçìåùåíèÿ ðåêëàìû
Íå çà÷èñëåíû äåíåæíûå ñðåäñòâà íà ðåêëàìó
Ïðàâèëà ðàçìåùåíèÿ ðåêëàìû
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