Time zones
List of countries grouped by current UTC offset
This page lists all countries of the world, plus major regions and cities, grouped by their current UTC offset.
- UTC is practically the same as GMT.
- A UTC offset is the difference in time between UTC time and a location's observed time.
- There are currently 38 observed UTC offsets in the world (37 when Iran is on daylight saving time).
- Minor exceptions and unofficial time zones are not included on this page.
- Find time and time zone info for other locations through the search box at the top of this page.
- Country names are highlighted.
- Countries with multiple time zones have a grey background.
- Regions with multiple time zones have a dashed underline.
This page will be updated when a change in observed UTC offset occurs, such as when DST begins or ends somewhere. The next update is scheduled for 2022-02-25 22:00 UTC, when DST starts in Jordan.
- Bahamas
- Brasil
- Canadá
- Chile
- Colombia
- Cuba
- Ecuador
- Estados Unidos
- Atlanta
- Baltimore
- Boston
- Carolina del Norte
- Carolina del Sur
- Charlotte
- Cincinnati
- Cleveland
- Columbus
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Detroit
- Florida
- Georgia
- Indiana
- Indianápolis
- Jacksonville
- Kentucky
- Lexington-Fayette
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Miami
- Michigan
- Nueva Hampshire
- Nueva Jersey
- Nueva York
- Ohio
- Pensilvania
- Philadelphia
- Pittsburgh
- Raleigh
- Rhode Island
- Staten Island
- Tampa
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Virginia Beach
- Virginia Occidental
- Washington, D.C.
- Haití
- Islas Caimán
- Islas Turcas y Caicos
- Jamaica
- México
- Panamá
- Perú
- Anguila
- Antigua y Barbuda
- Aruba
- Barbados
- Bermudas
- Bolivia
- Brasil
- Canadá
- Curazao
- Dominica
- Granada
- Groenlandia
- Guadalupe
- Guyana
- Islas Vírgenes
- Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos
- Martinica
- Montserrat
- Municipio Especial de Bonaire
- Puerto Rico
- República Dominicana
- San Bartolomé
- San Cristóbal y Nieves
- San Martín
- San Vicente y las Granadinas
- Santa Lucía
- Trinidad y Tobago
- Venezuela
- Albania
- Alemania
- Andorra
- Angola
- Argelia
- Austria
- Benín
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Bélgica
- Camerún
- Chad
- Chequia
- Congo [República]
- Croacia
- Dinamarca
- Eslovaquia
- Eslovenia
- España
- Francia
- Gabón
- Gibraltar
- Guinea Ecuatorial
- Holanda
- Hungría
- Italia
- Liechtenstein
- Luxemburgo
- Macedonia
- Malta
- Marruecos
- Montenegro
- Mónaco
- Nigeria
- Noruega
- Níger
- Polonia
- República Centroafricana
- República Democrática del Congo
- San Marino
- Santa Sede
- Serbia
- Suecia
- Suiza
- Sáhara Occidental
- Túnez
- Botsuana
- Bulgaria
- Burundi
- Chipre
- Egipto
- Estonia
- Finlandia
- Grecia
- Islas Åland
- Israel
- Jordania
- Lesotho
- Letonia
- Libia
- Lituania
- Líbano
- Malaui
- Moldavia
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- República Democrática del Congo
- Ruanda
- Rumanía
- Rusia
- Siria
- Suazilandia
- Sudáfrica
- Sudán
- Sudán del Sur
- Territorios Palestinos
- Ucrania
- Zambia
- Zimbawe