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Surfing Knowledge

Surfing seems like a very simple sport from the outside, requiring just a board and the ocean.  However, when you start digging deeper you’ll find that surfing is actually an extremely complex sport.  You have shortboarding, longboarding, and progressive and classic forms and styles.  Even your surfboard is an incredible mixture of art and science, requiring a skilled artisan to craft and yet also requiring science to calculate different ratios and measurements, concaves, and rail outlines.

Dig in here and get your fill of surfing knowledge and tips, starting from the very beginning!


Beginner’s Surfing Tips

This is where to start if you’re just learning to surf.

Surfboard Design

Get educated on the different aspects of surfboard design such as tail shape, fins, and more.

Ocean Safety

If you’re not used to the ocean there are some things you should know before you go so you can always be aware of any hazards.


Everyone’s favorite topic – learn more about sharks and their dangers here.

Overcoming Fear Of The Ocean

Some people have a more than healthy fear of the ocean, but don’t let that hold you back from surfing!

Surf Wax 101

Learn all about surf wax and how to wax your board!

Health Benefits Of Surfing

Surfing can lead to amazing health benefits both mental and physical.


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