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8 Ways to Protect Your Website From Hackers

8 Ways to Protect Your Website From Hackers

It seems that each day, hackers keep thinking of new ways to break into websites. As a website owner, you should always keep this threat at the back of your head. You might not be targeted today or tomorrow, but you’ll almost certainly be targeted at some point in the future. If you take proper security measures for your website, you can make your business practically resistant to these attacks. Keep reading to find out 8 ways to protect your website from hackers.

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5 Things Your WordPress eCommerce Site Needs

5 Things Your WordPress eCommerce Site Needs

Setting up and running an eCommerce site takes a surprising amount of work and know-how, but the effort is usually well worth it. Not only that, but it has gotten to the point where it is necessary to have an online presence these days if you want to be visible in a sea of competition. With that in mind, below are 5 things your WordPress eCommerce site needs to have if you are to see a return on your investment of time and money.

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