• How to Work with WordPress Block Patterns

    Patterns are one of the coolest features that we can now work with in the WordPress block editor. They are a modular system of layout snippets that give WordPress users the opportunity to build custom page or post layouts with relative ease. What are patterns Patterns are small predesigned layout sections that can be provided […]

  • How to Customize the Footer in Full Site Editing Block Themes

    The goal of Full Site Editing themes is to enable users to customize their themes exclusively in the editor. Previously, we used Footer widget areas and Customizer options to edit our Footers. In block themes, we have Footer Template Parts that are built entirely with blocks. Block theme creators can provide multiple pre-designed Footers in […]

  • How to customize header in WordPress site editor

    How to Customize the Header in WordPress New Site Editor

    We rebuilt Aino 2.0+ to be a full block theme. This means that the theme’s Header and Footer are now built out of blocks. Block-based Headers and Footers have many advantages. First, you can now choose from a set of predesigned Headers and Footers provided. At the moment the choices are still limited but we […]

  • Aino Full Site Editing WordPress Theme Update Guide

    Aino 2.0 Theme Update Guide

    After a few weeks of building and tweaking, we are happy to announce our Aino 2.0 block theme update to you. After WordPress 5.8 was released with the first Full Site Editing features last month, we felt it was time to take up the challenge and get our Aino theme ready for the future of […]

  • How to Add a Mailchimp Form in Aino

    Including a newsletter form on your website is one of the best ways to stay connect to your audience and customers and let them know what you are up to in a regular newsletter. We love Mailchimp and since it’s one the most popular email marketing services the MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress is the first […]

  • How to Change Fonts in WordPress

    ‘How can I change the font in WordPress’ is one of the most common questions we get asked by our theme users. So I prepared this little tutorial to explain the method we recommend if you want to use a different font than the one your theme comes with. We will use the free Google […]