Josh Heyer

community June 30, 2017

Raise Your Voice: Proclaim the Need for Net Neutrality

Because we believe all traffic on the web should be treated equally, Stack Overflow will join some of your other favorite sites from around the web including Netflix, GitHub, Reddit, and Amazon on July 12 for a day of action supporting net neutrality. The goal of this day of action, organized by Fight for the…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
colored tile pattern with comment box
community June 15, 2015

PIVOTing into a new career: please welcome Taryn Pratt, bluefooted Community Manager

Long-suffering readers may have noticed that, as we’ve expanded Stack Overflow into strange and exciting territories, we always start by hiring a new community manager. These intrepid souls act as emulsifiers, enabling and promoting communication between the company and the growing community. This role is just as critical for our 140+ English-language sites, where our…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
community October 7, 2014

Editing is essential: new badges and review enhancements

We rolled out three new badges last week! These recognize a pattern that sets Stack Exchange apart from the forums and message boards that came before it: answering and editing questions, the ability to not only write an answer that can be useful beyond the immediate asker but also re-write the question such that it…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
background July 23, 2014

Please welcome jmac, Community Manager of the Rising Sun

As Stack Exchange continues to expand to serve new audiences, we’re constantly on the lookout for folks who can take the principles and practices we all hold dear and communicate them effectively to the folks who would otherwise find them strange and difficult. I’m happy to announce we’ve found another of these rare specimens in…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
background April 8, 2014

Changes and guidelines for the Protected Question status

Protected status is an often-overlooked feature of Stack Exchange. It’s based loosely on Wikipedia’s semi-protection, and like that tool is meant to be a reaction to persistent abuse from anonymous or unproven participants: when a page attracts a lot of noise or vandalism from outside the community, Protecting it reduces the amount of clean-up needed…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
background September 6, 2013

Community Management by Popular Demand: Kevin Chang Joins The Team

I’ve been posting rather a lot of these announcements lately, as we’ve worked to increase the size of our team to where we can actually do our jobs and still occasionally sleep. So I’m gonna cut right to the chase: we hired Kevin “Lord Popular Demand Torgamus” Chang! Kevin lives on the east coast of…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
background August 23, 2013

Introducing Gabe, The Smiling Community Manager

A couple of months ago, we started soliciting applications for a Community Manager candidate fluent in Portuguese and English. Why? Well, as Jay wrote: …We’ve long had a backlog of proposals in Area 51 for sites that are (non-english) language specific, and as we continue to work on localization, we need to start building up…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
background August 9, 2013

Please welcome Jon Ericson, Community Manager

With over 100 sites on various and sundry topics, Stack Exchange has become something of a juggernaught: keeping this many different communities healthy and well-supported can be a bit overwhelming at times. We’d never be able to pull it off if there weren’t so many of you pitching in to help, and so I’m more…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
background May 31, 2013

Welcome Tim Post, our latest Community Manager

Community management at Stack Exchange is an… _Interesting _job. Parts sociologist, cat-wrangler, therapist, software analyst and cheerleader, this small band of dedicated people work daily to make sure each individual community has the tools and support you need to be as awesome as you are. Of course, we don’t do it alone: from the very…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)
careers May 20, 2013

Company pages on Careers 2.0

Stack Overflow has always had a strong focus on individual merit. Although collaboration is encouraged to some extent by the editing features, attribution on posts and the design of user profiles all tend to emphasize rugged individuality, that lone wolf toiling away at a keyboard. But most of us don’t actually work that way. We’re…
Avatar for Josh Heyer
Community Manager (former)