Tag Archives: blogging

Virtual Multiblog and WordPress 2.6

This is an important note to anyone using my Virtual Multiblog system for WordPress: WordPress version 2.6 is going to be released very soon. Until I have had time to test Virtual Multiblog on WP 2.6, I recommend that you … Continue reading

Posted in On the Front Lines, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Anti-Spam “Quiz” beta test

In the last couple weeks I have been working on a significant update to Andy Skelton’s Quiz plugin for WordPress. Andy gave me some feedback, which led to further fixes, and I think it’s working pretty well. As of this … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, On the Front Lines, Tha Interweb, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Give your WordPress plugin credit without cluttering the GUI

In a previous post I discussed the idea of locating your plugin’s Settings screen where it made sense within the Admin menus — giving an example of my own pull-quotes plugin’s Settings going under the Design menu. I briefly touched … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Virtual Multiblog v2.3 for WordPress

I’ve released a new version of the Virtual Multiblog system for WordPress. Version 2.3 is mostly under-the-hood improvements, but it might fix some of the issues people have. Additionally, I’ve made a few updates so it fits more seamlessly within … Continue reading

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Virtual Multiblog 2.2

New version of Virtual Multiblog is up! Version 2.2 has a number of under the hood changes and bug fixes. It also includes an improved and clarified ReadMe, so if you’ve had problems, give it a look. NOTE TO UPGRADERS: … Continue reading

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Tags vs. Categories

A question that comes up in blogging circles from time to time is what the difference is between Comments and Tags. Most blogging software allows you to mark posts with both, and the distinction is often times not clear. I … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Automated Indexes and wp_reset_query()

I’ve made a code change to the WordPress indexing system outlined in my previous post. If you had problems with the template, try the new code. What I’ve done is add the wp_reset_query() function to the end of the loop … Continue reading

Posted in Webcraft | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Automated Indexes

This site has several areas where there is a page that serves as an index for a bunch of sub-pages. Some good examples seen from this page are the “Features” and “Webcraft” sections of Nerdaphernalia. If you look at those … Continue reading

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