Tag Archives: PHP

How to Close a WordPress Site

I recently was asked to close down a site I had put up using WordPress. I didn’t want to just delete the whole thing, as I figured somebody might want it put back up in the future. There are several … Continue reading

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Search Everywhere in MySQL

In recent months I’ve been tasked with taking over management of a web site programmed by somebody else. They used Drupal, with which I’m not familiar, and so a big part of the job is simply figuring out how that … Continue reading

Posted in 'Nuff said, Gadgets and Gewgaws, On the Front Lines | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Virtual Multiblog — how to use unique headers on blogs running the same theme

One of the most common questions I get regarding the Virtual Multiblog system for WordPress comes from people wanting to have multiple blogs running on the same theme, but with a different header for each blog. It can be done, … Continue reading

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Use Classes in your WordPress plugins to increase code portability and reduce name conflicts

One of the most powerful features of WordPress is the huge community of developers making plugins that extend the software far beyond what the core application provides. It also allows people to add just what they want to use, rather … Continue reading

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Consolidate Options with Arrays in your WordPress Plugins

If you’ve ever written a plugin for WordPress you’ve probably dealt with giving the end user options. Unless you’ve taken the low road and forced the user to directly edit the plugin file, “options” means a Settings screen in the … Continue reading

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Give your WordPress plugin credit without cluttering the GUI

In a previous post I discussed the idea of locating your plugin’s Settings screen where it made sense within the Admin menus — giving an example of my own pull-quotes plugin’s Settings going under the Design menu. I briefly touched … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Use Action Links to direct users straight to your WordPress plugin’s admin page

I’ve recently come across repeated discussions (especially on the wp-hackers mailing list) debating where plugin authors should place their custom admin pages. I discussed that question directly in my previous post, and basically stated that the plugin’s admin page can … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , , | 20 Comments

Virtual Multiblog v2.3 for WordPress

I’ve released a new version of the Virtual Multiblog system for WordPress. Version 2.3 is mostly under-the-hood improvements, but it might fix some of the issues people have. Additionally, I’ve made a few updates so it fits more seamlessly within … Continue reading

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