Category Archives: On the Front Lines

Review: Dash for OS X

I recently discovered a very cool app for OS X called Dash. It’s basically an offline popup for any kind of programming or tech documentation you can think of. You can choose from a large number of coding docsets and … Continue reading

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Salvaging ebooks from Stanza for iPhone or iPod.

I’m a long-time user of Stanza on the iPhone, so I was surprised and a bit dismayed to discover that Stanza does not work with the new iOS 5. As much as I love the program, it’s always possible to … Continue reading

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Uncheck All Radio Buttons on a PDF Form

I’ve been banging away at this issue today and figured it would be useful to others out there. I made a PDF form for my company’s web site using Adobe Acrobat 8. In a couple places I have a “radio” … Continue reading

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Search Everywhere in MySQL

In recent months I’ve been tasked with taking over management of a web site programmed by somebody else. They used Drupal, with which I’m not familiar, and so a big part of the job is simply figuring out how that … Continue reading

Posted in 'Nuff said, Gadgets and Gewgaws, On the Front Lines | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


My laptop has been a bit long in the tooth for a while now. It’s a 12″ Mac Powerbook G4 circa 2003. It actually runs OS 10.5 pretty well, which is impressive considering it originally came with OS 9 (that’s … Continue reading

Posted in On the Front Lines, Technology | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

WordPress Constants

In the course of working on WordPress, and plugins and such for WordPress, I frequently find myself at a loss to remember the name of constants provided by the system. Hey, isn’t there a constant for such-and-such directory? I did … Continue reading

Posted in Codecraft, On the Front Lines | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

How to write a solid and stable WordPress plugin

Mark Jaquith has put up a nice article on “How to write a solid and stable WordPress plugin“. It’s more of a rough overview than a detail piece, but he promises more details down the line in separate articles. This … Continue reading

Posted in Codecraft, On the Front Lines, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Technical Difficulties…

A reader (or at least someone who tried to be one…) emailed me to point out that my site was down for a good portion of the day. To further the embarrassment, in place of my content was a PHP … Continue reading

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