Category Archives: Codecraft

Log Deprecated Calls 1.3

Another update! This one I’m very happy with — I’ve made an improvement that vastly improves the efficiency of the database table. The original version of the plugin was banged out in an afternoon, and as a result it didn’t … Continue reading

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Log Deprecated Calls v1.2

A new update to my Log Deprecated Calls WordPress plugin. The newer versions based on Strider Core has had some “teething pains”, for which I apologize; but I believe I’ve worked them out for the most part. Perhaps my primary … Continue reading

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Review: Dash for OS X

I recently discovered a very cool app for OS X called Dash. It’s basically an offline popup for any kind of programming or tech documentation you can think of. You can choose from a large number of coding docsets and … Continue reading

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Elegant Design: A Case Study

In the past I’ve discussed elegant UI design on this blog, commenting especially how the best plugin design is to integrate the plugin’s function in a way that the end user would never realize that what they’re doing comes from … Continue reading

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Log Deprecated Calls plugin 1.1.1

Hi again. Another bugfix update — this time for an error on new installs (didn’t affect people upgrading from an old version). More to come. Still need to fix a bit of weirdness when saving prefs, but I wanted to … Continue reading

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Update to “Log Deprecated Calls” plugin

I’ve released an update to my Log Deprecated Calls plugin for WordPress. This is the original plugin for plugin and theme developers to help you identify outdated functions you might be calling from WordPress. Version 1.1 is out now. Note … Continue reading

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Graceful Pull-Quotes is now “Official”

Just letting you all know that my Graceful Pull-Quotes plugin is now hosted on the official WordPress Extend repository. That means it will automatically pop up updates in the WP admin, and hopefully more people will find it and use … Continue reading

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Add New Headers to WordPress Plugins or Themes

I’ve had a few patches committed to WordPress core in the last few versions, and have sadly neglected to do writeups about them so that others could take advantage of the new features. I hope to remedy that in the … Continue reading

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