WordPress Plugin: Shrinky Link

Please Note: Shrinky Link is an old plugin I’ve adopted after the original author long-ago abandoned it. At this point it is quite primitive — so consider it Beta — But I expect to be making improvements to it.

Shrinky Link is a small plugin that does one thing: When people add URLs to comments, it makes sure they don’t look super long. Note that it only changes the appearance of links; this is not a URL Shortener in the sense of bit.ly or YOURLS. If, for example, somebody posts a comment and it contains “http://www.example.com/lots/of/subdirectories/and/just/a/really/long/path/that/stretches/across/a/line/”, Shrinkylink will shorten the link text to something like “http://www.example.com/lots/of/…”. The underlying address it points to does not change.

There are several options as to how exactly you want it to do its thing: remove the http://, remove the www, add an ellipses at the end or not. You can set a max length for a URL.


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