Category Archives: Webcraft

Comprising all aspects of web design and maintenance

Virtual Multiblog on GitHub

Quick announcement: The Virtual Multiblog system can now be found on GitHub: The home page is still on this site for discussion and such, but GitHub is your best best for downloading it and getting timely updates. Thanks for … Continue reading

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This blog has been in a slump for the past couple years.  Or… Perhaps more of a hibernation.  What can I say? Life intervened. At any rate, I’m back, and I’ve been up to a few things.  First and foremost, … Continue reading

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How to Close a WordPress Site

I recently was asked to close down a site I had put up using WordPress. I didn’t want to just delete the whole thing, as I figured somebody might want it put back up in the future. There are several … Continue reading

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Virtual Multiblog 2.6.1

Just released Virtual Multiblog v2.6.1. The primary new feature in the 2.6 line is auto-plugins. That is, you can specify plugins that are automatically activated for all (or just some) blogs. Check it out!

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Strider Core — coming soon

I’m working on an integrated core system for WordPress plugins — including common code and automatic “best version” detection of more than one plugin uses the same core. Continue reading

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Comment Quiz plugin v1.1.1

A new version of the Comment Quiz plugin is up. 1.1.1 has some important bug fixes, so if you’re using any earlier version, I highly recommend picking this up. I finally figured out SVN, so it’s on the official WordPress … Continue reading

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Virtual Multiblog 2.5

I’ve just released Virtual Multiblog for WordPress version 2.5. This has some significant bug fixes and other improvements. If you’ve had trouble getting it to work in the past, I’ve reworked the code that determines which blog is active, and … Continue reading

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Virtual Multibug

I received a comment recently tipping me off to a bug in my Virtual Multiblog system for WordPress. In certain cases, the system will show one particular blog no matter which address you go to. If you’re having this problem … Continue reading

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