Monthly Archives: June 2008

Anti-Spam “Quiz” beta test

In the last couple weeks I have been working on a significant update to Andy Skelton’s Quiz plugin for WordPress. Andy gave me some feedback, which led to further fixes, and I think it’s working pretty well. As of this … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, On the Front Lines, Tha Interweb, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Give your WordPress plugin credit without cluttering the GUI

In a previous post I discussed the idea of locating your plugin’s Settings screen where it made sense within the Admin menus — giving an example of my own pull-quotes plugin’s Settings going under the Design menu. I briefly touched … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Use Action Links to direct users straight to your WordPress plugin’s admin page

I’ve recently come across repeated discussions (especially on the wp-hackers mailing list) debating where plugin authors should place their custom admin pages. I discussed that question directly in my previous post, and basically stated that the plugin’s admin page can … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , , | 20 Comments

On Plugin Design and Integration

A frequent question on the wp-hackers list (a mailing list for people who write both WordPress core code and plugins) is where plugin authors should place the Admin screens for their plugins. A majority seems to say they go under … Continue reading

Posted in GUI Goodness, Webcraft | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Virtual Multiblog v2.3 for WordPress

I’ve released a new version of the Virtual Multiblog system for WordPress. Version 2.3 is mostly under-the-hood improvements, but it might fix some of the issues people have. Additionally, I’ve made a few updates so it fits more seamlessly within … Continue reading

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JavaScript Pull-Quotes 2.0

The pull-quotes plugin has undergone some major rewriting in recent weeks. I released much of that as version 1.7 a few days ago. Over the weekend I added a few features, revamped the Settings interface for WordPress 2.5, gave it … Continue reading

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JavaScript Pull-Quotes plugin — bugfix version

Several users of my JavaScript Pull-Quotes plugin for WordPress have been having strange issues recently — header errors when publishing posts, for example. There have been a number of reports, but I have been unable to reproduce any of these … Continue reading

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