Support » Plugin: The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block » Translation of the plugin

  • Resolved Clément Polito


    Hello !
    I installed your WP plugin The Events Calendar Shortcode. As I saw strings in english language, I went to page of the plugin to translate stings into my language (french). But I saw this following error :

    This plugin is not properly prepared for localization (View detailed logs on Slack). If you would like to translate this plugin, please contact the author.

    It is impossible to me and my team to translate this plugin.
    Can you correct it ? It seems to be because there is not any declared text-domain in the-events-calendar-shortcode.php header.

    In this file, I also saw several text domains in sentences to translate :
    line n°70, the text domain is 'tribe-events-ical-importer', ‘tec-shortcode’ line n°71, ‘ecs’ line n°80, etc.
    To translate all sentences of this plugin, only one text domain must be used.

    Finally, in templates/admin-page.php, sentences are not prepared for translation.
    Can you correct this problem too please ?

    I am sorry to report all this problems.
    Thank you for reading this message and for your plugin. It is a great one.

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  • Plugin Author Brian Hogg


    Bonjour !

    That’s correct, the plugin is not yet set up for translation. A lot of the translation of the output itself is done in The Events Calendar, or you can set the message if no events are found with something like [ecs-list-events message="Il n'y a aucun événement en ce moment"]. The help screens would need to wait until the translation support is added.

    The only word not output by The Events Calendar is “at” which you can translate with the ecs_event_venue_at_text, with something like this in your child theme’s functions.php or a small plugin:

    function my_at_language_event_shortcode( $output ) {
    return 'à';
    add_filter( 'ecs_event_venue_at_text' 'my_at_language_event_shortcode' );

    Hope this helps, if not let me know!

    Plugin Author Brian Hogg


    In case you didn’t see the changelog, in addition to the above, it’s now possible to submit translations for this plugin:

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