Forbes EQ

On any given day at Bloom Community Food Center, you are likely to hear chatter about food in a myriad of ways.

Forbes EQ (Equity Quotient) on BrandVoice is a space for businesses, entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations from and serving underrepresented groups to share stories and expertise with the audience via the BrandVoice content marketing platform.

Forbes EQ on BrandVoice...
Forbes EQ (Equity Quotient) on BrandVoice is a space for businesses, entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations from and serving underrepresented groups to share stories and expertise with the audience via the BrandVoice content marketing platform.

Forbes EQ on BrandVoice works in part with the Diversity Marketing Consortium to identify and promote content marketing from select businesses. It is part of Forbes’ Representation and Inclusion
practice, supporting and amplifying Forbes’ commitment to representation, inclusion and systemic equity.

If you would like to recommend a nonprofit dedicated to serving underrepresent groups from participating in a future flight of Forbes EQ on BrandVoice, please submit your information here.
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16 hours ago

Good Food Is A Right

The American Dream brings many families to the land of opportunity, but oftentimes, hunger follows.
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When Workers Themselves Are A Workplace Hazard

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