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set dotenv-load := false
# Show all available recipes
@just --list --unsorted
IS_PROD := env_var_or_default("IS_PROD", "")
DOCKER_FILES := "--file=docker-compose.yml" + (
if IS_PROD != "true" {" --file=docker-compose.override.yml"} else {""}
SERVICE := "webserver"
# Install dependencies into the current environment
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements_dev.txt
pre-commit install
# Create the .env file from the template
@([ ! -f .env ] && cp env.template .env) || true
# Build all (or specified) container(s)
build service="": dotenv
docker-compose {{ DOCKER_FILES }} build {{ service }}
# Bring all Docker services up
up flags="": dotenv
docker-compose {{ DOCKER_FILES }} up -d {{ flags }}
# Take all Docker services down
down flags="":
docker-compose {{ DOCKER_FILES }} down {{ flags }}
# Recreate all volumes and containers from scratch
recreate: dotenv
@just down -v
@just up "--force-recreate --build"
# Show logs of all, or named, Docker services
logs service="": up
docker-compose {{ DOCKER_FILES }} logs -f {{ service }}
# Pull, build, and deploy all services
@just down
-git pull
@just build
@just up
# Run pre-commit on all files
pre-commit run --all-files
# Mount the tests directory and run a particular command
@_mount-tests command: (up "postgres s3")
# The test directory is mounted into the container only during testing
docker-compose {{ DOCKER_FILES }} run \
-v {{ justfile_directory() }}/tests:/usr/local/airflow/tests/ \
-v {{ justfile_directory() }}/pytest.ini:/usr/local/airflow/pytest.ini \
--rm \
{{ SERVICE }} \
{{ command }}
# Run a container that can be used for repeated interactive testing
@just _mount-tests bash
# Run pytest using the webserver image
test *pytestargs:
@just _mount-tests "/usr/local/airflow/.local/bin/pytest {{ pytestargs }}"
# Open a shell into the webserver container
shell: up
docker-compose {{ DOCKER_FILES }} exec {{ SERVICE }} /bin/bash
# Launch an IPython REPL using the webserver image
ipython: (up "postgres s3")
docker-compose {{ DOCKER_FILES }} run \
--rm \
-w /usr/local/airflow/openverse_catalog/dags \
-v {{ justfile_directory() }}/.ipython:/usr/local/airflow/.ipython:z \
{{ SERVICE }} \
# Run a given command using the webserver image
run *args: (up "postgres s3")
docker-compose {{ DOCKER_FILES }} run --rm {{ SERVICE }} {{ args }}
# Launch a pgcli shell on the postgres container (defaults to openledger) use "airflow" for airflow metastore
db-shell args="openledger": up
docker-compose {{ DOCKER_FILES }} exec postgres pgcli {{ args }}