‘Accessible’ Videos

  • Matt Cotter: Workflows in a disposable economy.

    WordCamp Dayton 2018Speaker: Matt Cotter

    April 15, 2021 — The talk acknowledges the wide array of accessible technologies and tries to offer a way to think about your options in a more digestible manner.

  • Bud Kraus: My Way With WordPress

    WordCamp Boston 2019Speaker: Bud Kraus

    November 3, 2020 — With all the talk about the importance of making WordPress Accessible, how does someone with a vision impairment teach WordPress? Listen as I share the tools and techniques I have used for the last ten years as a WordPress instructor at Pratt Institute, the Fashion Institute of Technology and Third Ward in New York. I will share with you 5 tools and techniques that aid me in teaching my students as well as my thoughts on my article published by Smashing Magazine on what it’s like to have macular degeneration. If you care about Accessibility, you don’t want to miss this.

  • Kelli Wise : Keeping your content accessible

    WordCamp Seattle 2019Speaker: Kelli Wise

    April 2, 2020 — You’ve made the investment to create an accessible website, but do you know what it takes to keep it accessible? Website accessibility is not a one-¬and-¬done activity. It requires discipline to make sure that new and edited content meet accessibility requirements. This session is designed for anyone who creates content or oversees content design and creation, such as writing copy that meets accessibility requirements, image management, graphics, and testing tools. Content creators are a key part of keeping your website accessible; come find out how.

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  • Maja Benke: Accessible Content

    WordCamp Europe 2019Speaker: Maja Benke

    August 28, 2019 — Writing and creating content for people to enjoy your content is the intention, but is this content accessible for everyone? What should you consider before pressing the publish button? Maja will explain what accessible content means and how to create content that everyone can access, including best practices for text, links, video, images, and structure. She will also share insights on how Gutenberg supports creating accessible content.

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  • Marie Guillaumet: 8 conseils pour rendre votre thème WordPress plus accessible !

    WordCamp Bordeaux 2019Speaker: Marie Guillaumet

    April 18, 2019 — Quand vous concevez ou développez un thème WordPress, comment vous assurer que celui-ci sera bien accessible aux personnes en situation de handicap ? Quelles sont les erreurs fréquentes d’accessibilité que vous pouvez éviter ?

    Dans cette conférence hybride, il sera question à la fois de design et de code : nous verrons ensemble les principaux points à prendre en compte dans l’élaboration d’un thème WordPress accessible.

    Nous aborderons notamment la structuration des pages, les formulaires, l’internationalisation et certaines aides à la navigation, à grand renfort de cas utilisateurs, d’astuces, d’exemples et de snippets.

    Il sera également question de design graphique : si la présentation de certains éléments d’interface courants peut parfois poser des problèmes de lisibilité et de compréhension, il existe néanmoins de nombreuses solutions pour concilier design et accessibilité !

    Et si vous n’êtes ni designer ni développeur ou développeuse, mais que la question de l’accessibilité des thèmes WordPress vous intéresse, vous repartirez de là avec de nombreuses pistes pour évaluer rapidement le niveau d’accessibilité de votre futur thème.

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  • Melanie Adcock: How To Make Your WordPress Site Accessible To Everyone

    WordCamp Miami 2018Speaker: Melanie Adcock

    January 22, 2019 — Website Accessibility should not be an option or afterthought. Learn what you should be doing to build website that are accessible to those with disabilities, and the available tools to implement and test your sites.

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  • Sandy Feldman: Making websites accessible and complying with the AODA

    WordCamp Toronto 2018Speaker: Sandy Feldman

    December 28, 2018 — This session is about creating accessible web sites. I will talk about:

    Ontario’s accessibility requirements
    Some tips for creating accessible code
    Free tools to test for accessibility
    WordPress themes that are accessibility ready and
    Gutenberg and accessibility

    People with disabilities can’t use Gutenberg effectively. Larger organizations who implement it may face legal fallout.
    The WordPress accessibility community is rallying to make WordPress do the right thing by disabled users. I will talk about those efforts, as well as the efforts of the Gutenberg team to improve its accessibility.
    Attendees will learn about:

    how blind people use the web
    creating accessible web sites
    the guidelines that help you know what to do
    free tools to test for accessibility and
    accessibility ready WordPress themes

    According to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) beginning January 1, 2021 all public websites and web content posted after January 1, 2012 must meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA. Learn about meeting this requirement.
    Beginning January 1, 2014: new public websites, significantly refreshed websites and any web content posted after January 1, 2012 must meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level A.
    Beginning January 1, 2021: all public websites and web content posted after January 1, 2012 must meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA other than criteria 1.2.4 (live captions) and 1.2.5 (pre-recorded audio descriptions).

  • Maja Benke: Accessible Design

    WordCamp London 2018Speaker: Maja Benke

    November 26, 2018 — The design of a website can support, but also hinder the accessibility of the site. In this talk I would like to show the most common problems in the web in terms of accessible design and give an overview over good practice and also over potential conflicts between different accessible needs and how to deal with that.

    In the talk I will show you tools and resources to that will help you to design accessible websites and also how to integrate accessibility from the beginning into the design process.

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  • Cynthia Ng: Making Accessible Content and Websites in WordPress

    WordPress Meetup Cowichan ValleySpeaker: Cynthia Ng

    October 26, 2018 — Cynthia Ng (@TheRealArty) gives us her views on Accessibility on Content and WordPress websites with a special focus on the laws in Ontario, Canada.
    Presentation given at Cowichan Valley WordPress Meetup.

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