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    TodayTix – Theater Tickets

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    TodayTix is your destination for the best-priced theater tickets to Broadway and Off-Broadway shows and performing arts events. As the highest-rated ticketing app in the Play Store, TodayTix is the theater ticket booking app that offers you unparalleled access to your favorite shows at the best prices in town. Whether you want to see Broadway musicals, plays, or something more avant-garde, TodayTix has a ticket for you.

    Created by Broadway producers, TodayTix provides insightful guidance into the world of theater, allowing users to discover new shows, explore their city’s theaters, and get access to the best seats at the best prices. Book discount Broadway tickets in 30 seconds or less. Enter a Broadway Lottery to win cheap tickets to a show. Unlock Rush to score exclusively priced day-of tickets. Discover this week’s hottest event. Traveling abroad? Explore all the West End has to offer as well. The possibilities are endless.

    With tickets to Broadway musicals like Hamilton, The Lion King, The Book of Mormon, Dear Evan Hansen, Phantom of the Opera, and more, you’ll feel like you have a Broadway box office right at your fingertips and access to any event in town. Whether you’re looking for cheap tickets to NYC events or discount Broadway tickets, TodayTix is the theater ticket booking app with all the options in one place.

    First launched for tickets to New York's Broadway and Off-Broadway shows, TodayTix is now available for booking tickets to theaters in London's West End, Chicago, Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area, Boston, Washington D.C., Seattle, Philadelphia, Toronto, Connecticut, Houston, Dallas, and Melbourne.


    TodayTix simplifies and streamlines the previously difficult theater ticket buying experience. Here's how:

    • Take the guesswork out of buying theater tickets. We always list the best prices for tonight, next week, or in the next months.
    • Enter daily Lotteries to popular Broadway and Off-Broadway shows. Win free tickets, access to exclusive deals, and more!
    • Unlock day-of Rush tickets at deep discounts on a first-come, first-served basis every performance day.
    • Skip the lines. Book tickets in just 30 seconds or less, and never wait in long lines again. We have tickets to shows like Hamilton, The Lion King, The Book of Mormon, Wicked, and more.
    • Sign up for alerts. Find out when tickets to your favorite sold-out show become available. Get reminders the next time Rush and Lottery deals are live. Hear the latest on NYC events and performing arts happenings.
    • Get the VIP treatment. Our customers rave about our friendly and personable service.
    • Buy with confidence. Unlike many other apps, we work directly with the theater’s box office, never with ticket brokers.

    ----THE BUZZ----

    “An app that solves the biggest annoyance with buying theater tickets.” - Business Insider UK

    “The Uber of Broadway tickets.” - Forbes

    “Save money, save time, and feel like a VIP while you’re doing it.” – Entertainment Weekly

    “TodayTix is for travelers who don’t feel like killing prime New York City touring time by waiting in line at TKTS, or for those who prefer to plan a few days ahead of time rather than risking their plans to the vagaries of same-day availability.”- Frommer’s

    ----CONNECT WITH US----

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/todaytix
    Twitter: www.twitter.com/todaytix
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/todaytix
    Website: www.todaytix.com
    Zure hiriko emanaldi onenetarako sarrerak eskuratzea NeverTex-ekin izan da, Play Store-n gehien kalifikatutako txartelen aplikazioa baino. Broadway-ko ekoizleek sortutakoa, TodayTix-ek kulturaren mundura orientazio zoragarria eskaintzen du, erabiltzaileek ikuskizun berriak ezagutzeko eta preziorik onenetan eserleku onenak sarbidea desblokeatzeko.

    New Yorkeko Broadway eta Off-Broadway-ren ikuskizunetarako sarrerak abian jartzeko, TodayTix Londresko West End, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, Boston, Washington DC, Seattle, Philadelphia, Toronto, Connecticut, Houston eta Dallasen dago eskuragarri , eta Melbourne.


    TodayTix-ek antzerki-sarreren erosketa esperientzia zaildu eta errazten du.
    Hona hemen nola:

    - Antzerki sarrerak erosteko asmatzeak. Beti zerrendatzen ditugu prezio onena 30 egun lehenago.
    - Idatzi eguneroko loteriak Broadway popular eta Off-Broadway ikuskizunak. Irabazi sarrera librea, eskaintza esklusiborako sarbidea, eta gehiago!
    - Desblokeatu eguneko Rush sarrerak deskontu sakonetan lehen egunean, lehen hornitutako hornidura egun bakoitzeko.
    - Saltatu lerroak. Erreserbatu sarrerak 30 segundotan edo gutxiago, eta inoiz ez itxaron lerro luzeak berriro.
    - Erregistratu alertak egiteko. Jakin ezazu zure gustukoena agortuta dagoen ikuskizunetarako sarrerak eskuragarri egotea. Lortu abisuak Hurrengo aldiz Rush eta Loteria negozioak zuzenean daude.
    - Talde VIP tratamendua. Gure bezeroek zerbitzu atsegina eta atsegina eskaintzen digute.
    - Erosi konfiantzarekin. Beste hainbat aplikazio ez bezala, zuzenean lan egiten dugu antzerkiko leihatilan, inoiz ez da txartel artekarien bidez.

    ---- BUZZ ----

    "Antzerki sarrerak erosteko gogaikarririk handiena konpontzen duen aplikazioa" - Business Insider Erresuma Batua

    "Broadwayko Uber sarrerak" - Forbes

    "Gorde dirua, gorde denbora eta VIP bat sentitzen ari zaren bitartean" - Entertainment Weekly

    "GaurTix New York City-ko lehenbiziko denbora-lerroan hiltzea gustatzen ez duten bidaiariei dagokie, TKTS-en linean zain egoteko edo egun batzuk lehenago aurreikusteko nahiago dutenek, egun berean geratzen ez diren planak arriskuan jartzen dituztenei baino. erabilgarritasuna "- Frommer's

    ---- CONNECT WITH US ----

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/todaytix
    Twitter: www.twitter.com/todaytix
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/todaytix
    Webgunea: www.todaytix.com
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    We're always working to make your TodayTix experience as efficient and accessible as possible — and these new updates help to do just that. We hope to see you at a show soon.
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