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MySQL and Windows


This is the MySQL extract for Microsoft Windows from the MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual.

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Document generated on: 2021-10-22 (revision: 71164)

Table of Contents

Preface and Legal Notices
1 Installing MySQL on Microsoft Windows
1.1 MySQL Installation Layout on Microsoft Windows
1.2 Choosing an Installation Package
1.3 MySQL Installer for Windows
1.3.1 MySQL Installer Initial Setup
1.3.2 Setting Alternative Server Paths with MySQL Installer
1.3.3 Installation Workflows with MySQL Installer
1.3.4 MySQL Installer Product Catalog and Dashboard
1.3.5 MySQLInstallerConsole Reference
1.4 Installing MySQL on Microsoft Windows Using a noinstall ZIP Archive
1.4.1 Extracting the Install Archive
1.4.2 Creating an Option File
1.4.3 Selecting a MySQL Server Type
1.4.4 Initializing the Data Directory
1.4.5 Starting the Server for the First Time
1.4.6 Starting MySQL from the Windows Command Line
1.4.7 Customizing the PATH for MySQL Tools
1.4.8 Starting MySQL as a Windows Service
1.4.9 Testing The MySQL Installation
1.5 Troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows MySQL Server Installation
1.6 Windows Postinstallation Procedures
1.7 Windows Platform Restrictions
2 Upgrading MySQL on Windows
3 Connection to MySQL Server Failing on Windows
4 Resetting the Root Password: Windows Systems
5 MySQL for Visual Studio
5.1 General Information
5.1.1 New in Version 1.2
5.1.2 New in Version 2.0 (Development Release)
5.2 Installing MySQL for Visual Studio
5.3 Enabling the MySQL Toolbar
5.4 Making a Connection
5.4.1 Connect Using Server Explorer
5.4.2 Connect Using MySQL Connections Manager
5.5 Editing
5.5.1 MySQL SQL Editor
5.5.2 Code Editors
5.5.3 Editing Tables
5.5.4 Editing Views
5.5.5 Editing Indexes
5.5.6 Editing Foreign Keys
5.5.7 Editing Stored Procedures and Functions
5.5.8 Editing Triggers
5.6 MySQL Project Items
5.6.1 MySQL ASP.NET MVC Items
5.6.2 MySQL Windows Forms Items
5.7 MySQL Application Configuration Tool
5.7.1 Entity Framework
5.7.2 Web Providers
5.7.3 Using the MySQL Connection String Editor
5.8 MySQL Data Export Tool
5.9 DDL T4 Template Macro
5.10 Debugging Stored Procedures and Functions
5.11 MySQL for Visual Studio Frequently Asked Questions