
Making WordPress.org

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Results (66)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#150 Better 404 page for WordPress.org assigned defect low
#160 Fix Plugins Trac Components to Work for All Plugins new enhancement low
#200 "Download WordPress" button in header feels like a submit button for the search bar reopened obenland enhancement low
#314 Opt-out of getting email notifications for Trac comments I leave reopened enhancement low
#815 Forums to Support Syntax Highlighting accepted tellyworth enhancement Q1 low
#871 Inactive Profiles Need a Better Design reopened enhancement low
#929 Automate badge for training team assigned coffee2code enhancement Q1 low
#1044 Generate a list of translation contributors per release cycle new enhancement Q1 low
#1077 Fix anchors in the bbPress & BuddyPress Codex theme so that anchors are not behind the toolbar reopened dd32 defect low
#1139 Remember locale selection new enhancement low
#1181 Enhancement for Reviews/Ratings: Use a Rolling Time Frame for more current reviews new enhancement Q1 low
#1520 Add more granular notifications for SupportFlow tickets assigned enhancement low
#2071 Plugin contributor feeds are broken, showing posts from across the forums new defect low
#2107 Prevent posting 10k lines of logs in replies, recommend Pastebin or GitHub gists accepted tellyworth enhancement Q1 low
#2127 enhancement: WordPress.tv: add an optional slug field for the video submission form reviewing dd32 enhancement low
#2405 Remove theme reviewer if no comment in 48 hours new enhancement low
#2538 Plugin Directory: Preview Readme assigned tellyworth enhancement Q2 low
#2624 Plugin Directory: No way to view all my plugins new enhancement Plugin Directory v3 - Future low
#2691 Readme.txt section 'Upgrade Notice' cannot be translated new enhancement low
#2822 Support forum should have better styling on mobile (6.44′ screen) new enhancement low
#3024 Support Forums: Introduce a Recount Replies action for topics new enhancement low
#3275 themes.trac.wordpress.org easy link "my tickets" needed new enhancement low
#3321 Remove active duplicates from Events API new enhancement low
#3507 Allow pre-defined page slug translations new task low
#3587 Default image when sharing forum topics on social networks accepted Clorith enhancement low
#3674 Forums: pending replies do not send notification after reviewed new defect low
#3868 Option to download Theme, Plugin and REST API Handbooks together with WP-CLI Commands and Code Reference as PDF new enhancement low
#3881 Handbooks: warn if user is modifying page and causing status change from published to pending new defect low
#3962 Tracbot: Delete slack posts when the related trac ticket is deleted. new defect low
#3992 Gutenberg Theme: Add old-browser fallback new enhancement low
#4281 Minify wp4.css new enhancement low
#4289 Delete placeholder pages accepted ocean90 defect low
#4378 Tweak the page title on the 404 template on the codex new enhancement low
#4522 Glossary Landingpage new enhancement low
#4536 Rosetta main nav menus frequently link to missing 'Support' page new defect low
#4649 Remove content hiding mechanism on make.wordpress.org reopened defect low
#4669 Generate theme screenshot from the demo preview new enhancement low
#4683 Make / Polyglots locale filters new defect low
#4684 Trac 'reports' crawl and indexing controls new defect low
#4686 Empty tag archives on make / design (and elsewhere) should return 404 behaviour reopened defect low
#4717 Create an `@npm-committers` group in Slack new task low
#4744 Promote local WordCamp on a Rosetta site by showing a banner new defect low
#4755 Establish browser requirements reopened enhancement low
#4861 Themes Trac doesn't like the Browser new defect low
#4949 Add further Examples on Dashicons Page new defect low
#5049 SSL for wp.org domain new enhancement low
#5138 Showcase: add more fields to submission form to be used as filters in showcase later on new enhancement low
#5226 "My Favorites" does not work, redirect to "Favorits" tags new defect low
#5251 Faulty links redirect to random pages new defect low
#5295 Error message to be improved when trying to submit an empty review new enhancement low
#5324 Plugin URLs should 301 to lowercase reopened dd32 defect low
#5344 Delete stale, orphaned topic tags new defect low
#5359 Misc 404s / broken links should be 301'd and/or corrected new defect low
#5362 Add delist option to theme directory assigned tellyworth enhancement low
#5363 Upgrade Markdown library new defect low
#5376 Add Trending tab on a weekly basis new enhancement low
#5381 Prevent broken internal links in plugin readme content new defect low
#5398 Paginated hosting tests should be noindex'd new defect low
#5454 Forum profiles: Limit "Edit WP.org" link new defect low
#5462 Add signposting to the end of truncated pagination new enhancement low
#5508 Glossary: Adding indentical words for different part of speech rejected new defect low
#5523 Noindex wordpress.tv archives new defect low
#5540 RTL needed for author avatar / dropdown actions / sticky icon on P2/O2 new enhancement low
#5552 Allow mods to hide moderator badge new enhancement low
#5557 Add a hovering button to join slack community in Make Blog Network new enhancement low
#5583 Convert incorrect usage of "email" i Czech translations accepted dd32 task low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.