
Axie Infinity? Is it safe?

  • 13 October 2021
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi just wondering if anyone has heard of axie infinity, is it legit? and safe to download? thank you and im sorry for wasting your time i know its a stupid question :( 



and their wallet as well https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ronin-wallet/fnjhmkhhmkbjkkabndcnnogagogbneec


thank you very much for your time!

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@snoopy If the installer is malicious, Kaspersky File Anti-Virus will detect the download.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hello, @snoopy 

The website is clean and official. so there is no problem.

Do you need play their game? It seems you need use their wallet to buy the game if you really want to play their game.


Userlevel 2

@Berny Ah i see, im just paranoid that if i install it malware could come through even with real time on.


@Wesley.Zhang Oh ok good to hear, yes im planning to buy and play their game, is their wallet legit on chrome store, even if the only permission is modify data you copy and paste?


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hello @snoopy 

I think this addone could be deleted if you have buy the game.  So you have no reason to install this browser plug-in all the time if you worry about its private privacy.

