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Translation of 5.0.x: Polish

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Prio Original string Translation
Add white space between blocks and customize its height. Dodaj odstęp między blokami i dostosuj ich wysokość. Details
Add white space between blocks and customize its height.

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Try again
button label
Spróbuj ponownie Details
Try again
Context button label

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Convert to link
button label
Zamień na odnośnik Details
Convert to link
Context button label

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(selected block) (wybrany blok) Details
(selected block)

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The site administrator has been notified. You will receive an email confirmation when they erase your data. Administrator witryny został powiadomiony. W chwili zakończenia usuwania twoich danych, otrzymasz email z potwierdzeniem. Details
The site administrator has been notified. You will receive an email confirmation when they erase your data.

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The current user can assign terms in the %s taxonomy. Aktualny użytkownik może dołączać nazwy w taksonomii %s. Details
The current user can assign terms in the %s taxonomy.

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All of the personal data found for this user was erased. Wszystkie dane osobiste użytkownika zostały usunięte. Details
All of the personal data found for this user was erased.

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Changes requested
With warnings

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