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Translation of 5.0.x: Polish

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Prio Original string Translation
File Plik Details
Remove Block Usuń blok Details
Remove Block

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View the autosave Zobacz automatycznie zapisaną wersję Details
View the autosave

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Open publish panel Otwórz panel publikacji Details
Open publish panel

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Block has been deleted or is unavailable. Blok został usunięty lub jest niedostępny. Details
Block has been deleted or is unavailable.

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Edit file Edytuj plik Details
Edit file

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Copy URL Skopiuj adres URL Details
Copy URL

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document dokument Details

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pdf pdf Details

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The download button is hidden. Przycisk pobierania jest ukryty. Details
The download button is hidden.

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Text Link Settings Ustawienia odnośnika tekstowego Details
Text Link Settings

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Download Button Settings Ustawienia przycisku pobierania Details
Download Button Settings

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Show Download Button Pokaż przycisk pobierania Details
Show Download Button

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Short Line Krótka linia Details
Short Line

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Dots Kropki Details

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