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Translation of 5.0.x: Polish

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1 2 3
Prio Original string Translation
Menu Location Położenie menu Details
Menu Location

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Menu item added Dodano element menu Details
Menu item added

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Menu item deleted Usunięto element menu Details
Menu item deleted

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Number of items found: %d Liczba znalezionych elementów: %d Details
Number of items found: %d

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Additional items found: %d Dodatkowe znalezione elementy: %d Details
Additional items found: %d

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Move one level up Przenieś o poziom wyżej Details
Move one level up

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Move one level down Przenieś o poziom niżej Details
Move one level down

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Add Menu Items Dodaj elementy menu Details
Add Menu Items

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Search Menu Items Przeszukaj elementy menu Details
Search Menu Items

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Search menu items… Przeszukaj elementy menu… Details
Search menu items…

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Default shortcuts, Domyślne skróty, Details
Default shortcuts,

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Additional shortcuts, Dodatkowe skróty, Details
Additional shortcuts,

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Ctrl + Alt + letter: Ctrl + Alt + litera: Details
Ctrl + Alt + letter:

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Shift + Alt + letter: Shift + Alt + litera: Details
Shift + Alt + letter:

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Cmd + letter: Cmd + litera: Details
Cmd + letter:

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Changes requested
With warnings
1 2 3

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